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Everything posted by TheKspEngineer

  1. Where is TOTM? Is it gone will it be back, or did I miss something?
  2. Jeb: -Okay crew, Duna exit burn in T-30 seconds. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 The Bouffi's small engine started up and the journey back to kerbin began.
  3. It's Ales time! A solar powered Minmus flats rover, for surface feature searching and resource mapping.
  4. Today I launched Ales to Minmus. Here the second stage of the Aphrodite-1B separates and coasts for circulation. It is now performing a Trans-Minmus injection. Ales has landed! ( The solar panels on the skycrane are different, because I had to relaunch, because with the stationary solar panels the batterys ran out) Space wheelie! The first finding of Ales.
  5. ---------------------2 pm-------------------- Jeb: -Mission control this is Jebediah Kerman speaking from the bridge if the Bouffi. We haven't had any serious anomalies, the Bouffi's antenna just malfunctioned. We had a flawless docking, and we have all the science and crew on board. More info will be sent by Bobgel 1 hour from now on. Bouffi out.
  6. I have built this miniature (1.25) Mir replica, and I think it is quite nice. On the frontal docking port it has a Soyuz, on the back a Progressz, and on the bottom adapter a space shuttle.
  7. Built a mini TKS (the MK3 cockpit is sized down to 1.25) Goofy sleigh/train/tug Minmus mobile base concept. It's named MEMBER (for Minmus Experimental Mobile Base Expandable Rover), the base is MEMBER-1 and the tug is MEMBER-2
  8. ---------------10 am------------------ Gene Kerman: -Bouffi, this is mission control if you are hearing this message, please respond as soon as you can, and tell if there's an emergency on board. Mission control out.
  9. „Man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much — the wheel, New York, wars and so on — whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man — for precisely the same reasons.” - The Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
  10. „Man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much — the wheel, New York, wars and so on — whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man — for precisely the same reasons.” - The Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
  11. Gene Kerman: - Hello kastronauts this is today's 7 am message. In the Bouffi Jeb and Bobgel will continue high Duna orbit research. On Ike's surface today is takeoff day. Before takeoff Bill will need to strip down all of the detachable small science instruments, their data needs to be transported to the cockpit. After the Grasshopper reached low Ike orbit Bill can detach one of the solar panels, and the four landing legs. After that the Grasshopper can continue the rendezvous with the Bouffi. We are waiting for a response in two hours at 9 am.
  12. After planting the flag Bob takes samples of Ike's surface. The crew is inspecting the mostly intact DT-1 next to the Grasshopper. Bill packs out the science equipment from the IKEA.
  13. Bill:- This is a small step for a kerbal, but a giant leap for all kerbalkind. I promise that in years we will be back to land on Duna and to extend operations on Ike. We have travelled here in the name of peace, and we will continue our exploration of the Kerbolar system.
  14. Yoooooooo the forums are back (new post in near future)
  15. I launched my Laythe Clipper on an Aphrodite-5b. (It is named after Europa clipper and it will clip into laythes atmosphere)
  16. I'm currently working on a B 45c but it's severely underperforming, I might try engine clipping. In a few weeks I may be posting it.
  17. -----------------Mission Control---------------- Gene Kerman: -Okay, last checks. Are we going for IKEA deorbit? Wernher Von Kerman: -Probe guidence GO! Linus Kerman: -Science instruments GO! Gus Kerman: -Trajectory GO! Walt Kerman: -Live stream on! Gene Kerman: -Okay, sending de-orbit command. The first telemetry data will arrive in 30 minutes. ------------------30 mins. later------------------ Linus Kerman: -We are getting the data. We have a confirmed touchdown on Ike with the IKEA probe! Linus Kerman: -We have 50 meters distance from the Grasshopper.
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