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Everything posted by TheKspEngineer

  1. Thoughts about this flag (that i made for my second crew mission to the Duna system)?
  2. Great story, hope that you continue it!
  3. I'm just curious, why are you using quotes like spoilers? Anyways cool report looking forward for more.
  4. Physics Range Extender (Necessary mod for Bdarmory)
  5. Is my entry valid? (Just because I didn't really show how the rover got there.)
  6. Trip 1 There was not too much interesting things on the route or I was too focused on driving the rover. The river likes to slide but doesn't like to stop. I collected lowlands and Midlands science. Map update:
  7. I tried to land crew next to the rover but Physics range extender said no More info here:
  8. When I was flying in low orbit over a landed rover on Minmus, it switched to the rover (which appeared to be in outer space), and my original craft blew into pieces and started to fly out of the solar system. I did this fix and after while I tried to land near the rover, it did not switch to it. But when while landing I tried to switch to it with the hot key it appeared to be again in outer space. I tried to switch to space centre and back to the lander, but then the rover on the surface just exploded.
  9. I don't know about the route but those are some cool rivers (that's a whole lot of RTGS)
  10. Hear me out! We put a new Shepard on the new Glenn, slap some RCS+heat shield+solar panels on it, and you've got a spacecraft that can manoeuvre a bit in orbit.
  11. Thanks! The only thing I'm worried about is that maybe the front wI'll bump into steeper mountains.
  12. I have some kind of a plan. And some kind of a rover. It's name is Théseus after the greek mythological hero. (Eva sitting area) Now I only need crew!
  13. *insert angry rambling about starhsip launching (in Europe) at Monday 23:00 while school*
  14. https://spacedock.info/mod/2749/Working Underwater Lite This?
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