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    Sr. Spacecraft Engineer

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  1. The original idea of an organised harassment campaign is a spectacularly bad one - as in, maybe we should confine ourselves to ideas that aren't _illegal_ - but this is just hopelessly optimistic. Consider the tremendous efforts made to avert the _City of Heroes_ shutdown in 2012 and then to get the IP released - forget calling local newspapers (as if they even know or care what KSP is) and obscure youtubers, they had best-selling authors coming out of the woodwork to say "hi, I'm Mercedes Lackey, I play this game, and this is a terrible idea". These efforts achieved nothing whatsoever; the game shut down on schedule and when it came back in 2019 it was for unrelated reasons.
  2. If you have another misconception, please just _say_ what it is. I'm not going to try and correct errors if I have to squeeze them out of you one word at a time.
  3. And that is completely wrong. The companies doing "AI" scrape the Web in a perfectly ordinary way, no more likely to cause performance issues than Google indexing the site. They don't, as you seem to imagine, do it reactively at huge speed in response to queries.
  4. While I wouldn't suggest relying on it alone, the Wayback Machine seems to have a largely complete archive of the forums - indeed, this 2-hour-old thread is in it. Of course, it's read-only, but someone looking to resurrect the forums could get almost all of them back from that.
  5. Not really, no. All kinds of things - search engines, the Wayback Machine, individual humans running wget - crawl websites to make complete copies of them. "AI" is a horrible blight but the crawlers that run on its behalf are not a new idea at all.
  6. Can you describe to us how it used to work? Because as far as I can tell no-one, not even the maintainer, knows what it did or what it's meant to do.
  7. The distinction between options 2 and 3 is not immediately obvious to me.
  8. Good timing, I finally got around to updating the scoreboard for @Ianwubby's impressive achievement. Bouncy, albeit rather alarmingly disconnected. How's the docking port work? I infer it's used in conjunction with holding prograde, but that only seems to give you some kind of pitch control.
  9. OK, I've watched all three timelapses. It must have been exasperating to clobber the Minmus landing module with the command module like that. Given the lack of life support considerations, I'm surprised you did rove in the dark rather than waiting for the dawn. Last question - these are all stock? I didn't see what looked like any modded parts. I'm going to have to nip this one in the bud and say that this is definitely not permitted. Sorry.
  10. If I read the thread correctly, you've only got about 200km from the start, and this doesn't sound like too drastic a modification, so I think I'm OK with it (although I look forward to seeing the new craft). I am finally back home and can catch up on some of these timelapses.
  11. Excellent. I'm in another country, but I'm back inside the week and I shall get you on the scoreboard as soon as possible - and, unless I'm mistaken, congratulations on the first sea bottom circumnavigation.
  12. Marvellous, I was hoping this would turn up. It certainly qualifies as "sea". I'll watch it when I have time and update the scoreboard.
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