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Everything posted by TheKspEngineer

  1. Today we are going to launch the Bouffi Service Compartment The brand new Aphrodite-5B with the Bouffi SC sits on the max upgraded launchpad. It's six powerful kickback boosters roar to life as the rocket ascends. The boosters separate and the two bobcats and four thuds ignite. First stage separation. Sadly, I forgot to take a picture of the circulization burn. And the Bouffi SC is on a stable orbit around Kerbin. Teaser image for next launch:
  2. One more boring mission: The return of the crew of Minmus Station Here's the Aquila SB undocking from Minmus station. In the middle you can see the core laboratory, on the left the service module and finally on the top the Mentos-2 Minmus lander. Escape burn from Minmus. Kerbin deorbit burn. The Aquila enters Kerbin's atmosphere. And successful splashdown. Teaser image of the next launch:
  3. Before the more exciting missions we need to start with more boring ones. Today we are going to get Bobgel T. Kerman and Bill Kerman back from Asteroid Sidke (I named it after a kerbal in Bartdon papers) with an Aquila spacecraft. The Aphrodite-1B rocket sits on the launchpad. Liftoff, we have a liftoff! Booster sep. First stage sep. Circulization. The second stage performs a Hohmann-transfer. Successful randevou. Bobgel performs an EVA to get into the Aquila. By the time Bill got into the spacecraft the sun has settled. At the periapsis they re-light the Aquila's engine for a deorbit burn. Atmospheric reentry. The chutes have deployed. Splashdown! Another successful mission. Here's a little sneak-peak of the Bouffi
  4. Pioneer III is the first mission with kerbals outside of Kerbins sphere of influence (Pioneer I and II were concepts) It is made out of three spacecraft: -„Bouffi” interplanetary mothership -It has a crew of four who live in a big inflatable hab module -It is propelled by a liquid methane engine -Theres science equipment in it -Its goal is to get the crew and the Grasshopper into Duna orbit and back -„Grasshopper” Ike lander -It is a lander with a crew of two, and a lot of science equipment -It is carried by the Bouffi -It has a probe core for SAS without a pilot -Ikea cargo lander -It is a cargo lander which transports surface science and a rover in a cargo container which can be assembled on Ike's surface -It travels separately from the Bouffi and the Grasshopper and has his own transfer stage
  5. I present: The iconic F-4 Phantom II https://imgur.com/a/6sQAR9G Historical footage of a dive bombing F-4. https://imgur.com/a/oJP14aW Jeb found an old F-4 in the hangar and decided to take it for a ride. https://imgur.com/a/2gLUXuP The he dived aggressively into the water but then pulled up at the last second. https://imgur.com/a/b2ZJ18N https://imgur.com/a/aILLb54 After climbing back to normal altitude he turned upside down, to scare bill. https://imgur.com/a/zqZ4qmM It kind of worked. https://imgur.com/a/y8a9OtD
  6. No, I have not played blazing angels, but I play warthunder
  7. Great replicas! I really like the story parts, and the blazing angels flashbacks
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