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Everything posted by Shaky

  1. Shaky

    Oh god

    Ok So new news basicilly I ended up getting jeb and valentina from the lander to the station. How ever after that due to the fact that the lander pod still wasnt connected as it ran out of fuel the space station had no control to get back to kerbin. So also because it has no control it would also be super hard to dock with anything. So after that I just deleted the lander the flag that was planted and the station. The last I ever heard of the mission was when I opened a really old quicksave while doing a duna mission. Yea I just de orbited the station. Everyone still died
  2. Shaky

    Oh god

    I did my 2nd Mun landing and I also had a space station. Only issue is the space station has no control and jeb and valentina are flying around it because its full of kerbals https://imgur.com/a/SpwaiGX Im gonna try and do a rescue mission if I cant then please help
  3. Hm I would have thought that the whole wormhole thing outside of jool and the black hole would have been the inspiration from interstellar
  4. Im gonna be honest I got no Idea what these errors are but I would try verifying your install reinstalling your mods especially EVE and making sure you have all dependencies
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