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  1. So basically you have to colonize every planetary body and moon (except jool). the requirements is that each colony has communications (including satellites) strong enough to reach kerbin, mining facilities so rockets can refuel, and some source of power. You also need to have a mother ship that carries all the colonies on it and is able to go to every planet and moon and back to kerbin. It can be assembled in orbit or you can do it in one launch (at the cost of your sanity). When you have finished please show me the pictures of all the colonies and please don't cheat because the challenge is supposed to be hard. I will nominate three rewards: 1: creativity. each colony is unique in their own way and where they are located on the planet or moon also gives points to that. 2: has no life. all colonies have their own space station and satellites, why would you do this to yourself? 3: Matt Lowne. Each colony has three SSTO's and ludicrous amounts of delta/v. also they are so complex that only a NASA supercomputer could run it. PLEASE don't destroy your sanity because of this, if you accomplish I will give the title of the winner of winners because this seems impossible. have fun and don't destroy your sanity.
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