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Everything posted by JackoTheKerbo

  1. Cool! I like the new planet, it's always nice to have a habitable world in the mix. My only complaint is that shouldn't the waters be green with all the algae in the ocean? Especially if it's infested with the stuff. Besides that though, pretty nice! Can't wait for the next one!
  2. Stumbled upon this on CKAN, will there be any other bodies added in the future? i like the planet pack a lot, it's an interesting idea but it does seem a bit barren as of now. Maybe you could add a waterworld of some sort? I know modding can be really hard (Trust me, I've tried) and I really enjoyed your work, so take as long or as little you need to make an expansion of some sort, or don't make one at all! It's up to you. Just let it be known that someone out there (Me!) enjoyed your work and would love to see you keep on going! Good luck!
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