I'm pretty sure that was the goal. KSp2 wants to make the game more accessible to a new group of players, and kind of took the fact that the older player base would be around for the ride if they paid some lip service to what KSp1 veterans would have wanted.
They've been partially successful. There is a new, small player base of fans who love capybaras and meming, and some older ksp1 player bought it anticipating an improved KSP, though I think many of them didn't keep playing it or are still in a wait and see mode.
But hey, hope springs eternal. Just like before 'for science!', everyone who wanted to sell you on the game said the next update would solve the lack of a game there...now the resource &colony system will solve things. Or maybe interstellar will. Or multiplayer. Or full release. Who knows, pay your $50 and join the ride, once they have your money all you can do is try to get more people on board the hype train.