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Everything posted by jcxl233

  1. For those struggling with uncontrollable Karibou Modular Wheels, I have adapted the fix from Github (more than 2 years old PR, yet to be merged) into a MM patch. All the thanks go to zajc3w for providing this patch on Github. Tested working on mks 112.0.1, ksp 1.12.5. @PART[KER_Wheel_01]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleWheelBase] { %radius = 0.5 %useNewFrictionModel = true %wheelType = MOTORIZED %adherentStart = 0.5 %frictionAdherent = .3 %peakStart = 3 %frictionPeak = 1.5 %limitStart = 6 %frictionLimit = 1.3 } @MODULE[ModuleWheelSuspension] { %maximumLoad = 40.0 } @MODULE[ModuleWheelSteering] { %autoSteeringAdjust = true %steeringResponse = 1.5 -steeringCurve {} steeringCurve { key = 0 20 key = 20 20 } steeringMaxAngleCurve { key = 0 1 0 0 key = 3 1 0.0001624425 0.0001624425 key = 7.5 0.33 -0.05674612 -0.05674612 key = 20 0.12 -0.003158088 -0.003158088 key = 30 0.1 -0.002872917 -0.002872917 } } }
  2. A quick patch for radiators can be made relatively easily by adapting the existing patches for SystemHeat and B9PartSwitch. KSPI-E uses FlatFNRadiator module to handle all of its radiator logic. Here is something I cobbled up. Changes in radiator surface area and max temperature with B9PS have all been handled, though maximum temperature has been increased by quite a lot due to the insane amount of waste heat that KSPI-E reactors tend to generate. https://pastebin.com/VJb4h5Fz I tested 2 10x20 LFR radiators with a simple reactor setup and it does seem to work properly.
  3. There seems to be a conflict Pathfinder. Pathfinder will add WBIOmniStorage to many parts, and sometimes KSPI-E will add ModuleB9PartSwitch to the same part. If this happens and you reconfigure storage with Omni Storage option in the editor and delete the existing resources, those deleted resources will be added back once the craft is launched. I found this happening to OPT Spaceplane fuel tanks, probe cores and command pods. Currently I created my own patch (zzzKSPIEPatches) to remove ModuleB9PartSwitch added by KSPI-E from parts that have WBIOmniStorage. @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch]:HAS[#moduleID[KSPIE]],@MODULE[WBIOmniStorage]]:AFTER[zzzKSPIEPatches] { !MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch]:HAS[#moduleID[KSPIE]] {} } A more elegant solution might be stopping the addition of ModuleB9PartSwitch by blacklisting parts with module WBIOmniStorage in the file WarpPlugin\Patches\B9PartSwitch\CryoTanksFuelTankSwitcher.cfg
  4. This is not an extensive list because I don't have thousands of hours in KSP. Colony & Exploration There are quite a lot of mods you can choose from. Wild Blue Industries series of mods by Angle-125: Buffalo for rovers and ground exploration, DSEV for spaceships, Pathfinder handles colony building and resource harvesting, and Snacks for life support. USI series of mods by Roverdude: MKS is the ultimate colonization mod, where maintaining a self-sufficient colony almost always requiring the setup of multiple outposts and transport logistics. Parts of this mod allow for "virtualized factories" so your game won't lag out. It plays very well with other mods within the USI series. If you are planning to use MKS, then I recommend stick with USI and do not install other life support or colonization mods. Kerbal Planetary Base Systems: parts to build planetary bases. It does not feature any life support or other systems, but it plays well with almost all life support mods. Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux: parts to build orbital stations and colony ships. It does not feature any life support or other systems, but it plays well with almost all life support mods. TAC Life Support (TACLS): a standalone life support mod. Can be used with many other mods. Interstellar Near Future Technologies and Far Future Technologies: reactors for power generation, ion, fission, fusion and antimatter engines. A few well-known ones (e.g. Daedelus) are missing, but still very good series of mods. They also run surprisingly well and mostly expands and uses stock systems. KSP Interstellar Extended: the most comprehensive interstellar mod. Reactors for power generation and propulsion, all kinds of crazy engines, photon sail, beamed power, and end-game warp drives. This mod is very complicated, performance heavy, introduces many new mechanics, and many tutorials are out-of-date, so be prepared to spend a lot of time researching and testing spaceship designs. Recommend start a sandbox save first and search on KerbalX for craft designs and Youtube for tutorials if you get stuck. This mod does not play well with Near Future Solar or Near Future Electric because they will nerf KSPI-E reactors into completely unusable.
  5. Encountered a problem with scoop not harvesting resources from Jool atmosphere, despite the game says it should be harvesting close to 1k LqdDeuterium per second. https://imgur.com/a/KyF31EB ksp.log https://justpaste.it/fcm4t
  6. Science per sample upon recovery: Look under EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION. baseValue tells you science upon recovery of sample, and scienceCap tells you the maximum science points for this experiment. Transmission efficiency: xmitDataScalar under ModuleScienceExperiment (and DMModuleScienceAnimate for DMagic Orbital Science.)
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