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Everything posted by RunaDacino

  1. Hello! I've encountered a game-breaking bug involving this mod. There's been noted performance drops, and on me finally launching my manned mission (using kerbal construction time to load the crew), I had a stack overflow. On restarting the game, I couldn't click any buttons and on checking logs I saw that this mod was the cause. The logs are as follows: My modlist: Edit: I have uninstalled Kerbal Health, perf issue persisted but the nullreference spam disappeared. I went and kept toying with things, I removed contract reward modifier, KSP AVC, FreeIVA. I also added Community Fixes. I did a manned minmus landing/return, and experienced no issues. I might go and try to add freeIVA back but it might have been the cause due to well, the IVA environments maybe? edit2: It wasn't freeIVA. Connected Living Spaces seems to be showing issues for KerbalHealth with custom command pods like Corvus Command Pod (I had issues with that pod) and with the Pandora command pod from NearFuturePods. At this time, I was doing a manned flight to Minmus with 1 veteran pilot (Jeb) , 3 tourists in the same command pod with a probe core slapped on top. I have radiation entirely disabled.
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