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Everything posted by RunaDacino

  1. Hello! Is there anything I can do to configure whether the cockpits use MAS or RPM displays? On the OPT J QS02 cockpit, the MAS MFDs do not work for me. Even when they intially worked, they lack the navUtilities continued mod for landing assistance and well... landing OPT planes from IVA is a bit hard without a localizer to line things up.
  2. Hello! I'm using this mod with OPT spaceplane. Originally, the monitors worked. I landed the plane, recovered it with KCT and tried to use them and they do nothing. The RPM monitors work fine. Oddly, the cockpit has both MAS and RPM monitors present - the flight nav side has RPM, the pilots have MAS (which I wish was the other way around! RPM has Nav Utils Continued for landing aid, while the MAS ones are super stripped down). Is there any configuration or modification I can do? It's the OPT J QS02 B cockpit. Either to force RPM for pilot MFDs (and make the navigator MFDs use MAS, rather than a hard switch), or fix the displays not working, or port the nav utils to MAS.
  3. I wish the "Customized Kerbalnauts/Kolonists" option was more granular. That is, have the ability to hire higher level kolonists separate from their personality - I like their personality being kinda random even if the effects are minimal, but doing WOLF stuff and needing dozens of kerbalnauts means I do need the higher level option. Edit: If you allow customizing, set hire level to 2 and turn it off - all new hires will be random AND level 2. This feature exists, in a kinda indirect way.
  4. Is there an easy-ish way (using configs) to set-up a cockpit to use the same IVA, except there's a MAS and a RPM version? Nav Utilities continued is only on RPM, and MAS has no landing indicator for OPT cockpits.
  5. Would it be possible to make this also display on MAS monitors? MAS is needed for some modern IVAs, and forcibly replaces RPM monitors with itself even on older cockpits. This was disappointing to learn.
  6. Ran into MM errors as well, albeit only for a single stock part. I cannot upload the full logs to pastebin as it crashes/refuses for size, but this should be the relevant part. Edit: I found the cause The bug is caused by Mk3 Shuttle Mid-Deck IVA Refurbished Somehow, it confuses stuff. I thought to fix it by adding it to parts.cfg in DE_IVA's folder but I thought it might break stuff so I uninstalled for now. I got MK3 stockalike extension anyhow.
  7. I have added 2 in-line workshops, 1 orbital workshop to my orbital construction station. For some reason, the in-line workshops took ownership of the docked kit and I cannot construct it as "it must be landed." Is there anything I can do to fix this? I spent 80 days assembling the kit and deploying it. I want to finish constructing it.
  8. What does "Electric Limit" do in utilities? I see it pop-up when using Near Future electrical engines. Is it an engine cutout at the % power left?
  9. Is there a trick to getting accurate deltaV readouts in VAB when designing things? I often end up with a lot of deltaV left over (sometimes a whole thousand!) on my launch vehicles. I'm not complaining since it is far faster ejection burns but... it's also more expensive and I'm constantly broke. I'm using Near Future 5/7.5M tanks as my launch vehicles using the multi-couplers (like 4-6 etnas or fujis)
  10. It feels like Kerbal Engineer's readouts are fairly inaccurate - oscillating at times between 2800 to 3600 with some of my rockets. Which of these should I trust when planning maneuvers? The highest/lowest readouts? It's using Poseidon in LH2 mode on a giant mobile space station/interplanetary spaceship.
  11. My new SSTO design for bringing 20 kerbals (16 passenger, 4 crew) to Munar orbit and back. This is her test flight to LKO and back to runway. ( https://imgur.com/a/f3MgGYb This was done in FAR. These are the stability derivatives at various points. https://imgur.com/a/f3MgGYb. She has 3 pairs of elevons - 2 near wing tip of different sizes, 1 on the slanted wingtip proper. She has 1 spoiler and 1 flap pair. The V tail thingy acts as both elevator and rudder. Atmospheric autopilot is a must for managing trim on all these control surfaces. Her KCT build time is 44 days at 1.15 BP/s, but should hopefully refuel/refurbish in a day or so. Honestly, given I quicksave pre-landing at 10 km high and keep trying until I hit the runway to learn it... doing it in sim mode from KRASH and ALMOST making it feels great.
  12. I recommend State Funding and Strategia. State Funding is passive income from bases and stations. Strategia gives you "Programs" that give you 400% milestone gains for that body until you fulfil the program. Also contract packs like the tourism ones. Tourism Plus or Expanded has an option to increase payout, and then you get paid a million for a mun flyby with 8 tourists in 7 days. Do it with KCT and it is still challenging to pull off.
  13. Designing new spaceplanes with my bunch of mods is a nightmare of "Spawn on runway and spin rapidly to the right and explode from weird phantom forces". My rule of thumb about tail/bicouplers turns out not to be a universal fix and iterating over every single part by reverting to hangar is... tedious with the load screens. So I wonder if there might be a mod or someone capable of making one that creates an overlay like the "F12" or FAR displays that'd show such forces and highlight parts that generate these forces. I tried "Debug Stuff", but it is not helpful for my debugging purposes.
  14. I made an enormous mining probe conveyor using Duna logistics modules, probe cores and MEU-500 drills. I got them to Minmus, landed them all and... noticed that apparently my meticiously set up drills all became dirt drills on all 4 probes. This killed my mood significantly, and so I want to fix them with save editing but I cannot seem to find where it keeps track of what bay is set to what. Wonder if Kerbal Construction time or reverting my first launch caused the issue. Edit: You go to SwappableBay and alter currentLoadout to the index/number of the module you want, starting with 0 for dirt.
  15. Hello! I've wrote a few patches for myself for improving my experience with Probes Before Crew and a bunch of mods that weren't natively integrated. For most of them, it worked perfectly. Unfortunately, there was one mod - Kerbal Foundries Continued - where apparently my :NEEDS[KerbalFoundriesContinued] was ignored by the MM. After changing it to normal KF, it worked. Reason I used KFC was that CKAN said its identifier is KFC not KF. Should I always use the folder names for patches, regardless of what CKAN says? What happens if there's a big folder with submods - like how USI has all USI-developed mods under 1 big folder. I stared at https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager/wiki/Module-Manager-Handbook but found no answer. Edit: I cannot delete my dumb posts. I finally found it. The stuff within the needs section is based on either: A plugin .dll with the same assembly name. A subdirectory name under GameData. (Names with spaces can be used, just remove the spaces: GameData/My Mod/ => :NEEDS[MyMod] A FOR[Blah] defined would allow NEEDS[Blah] I am blind, sorry for the needless question/spam.
  16. I've searched and noticed others remark about the 5m fairing textures being... janky. Has anyone found a workaround, or is it sth I just gotta live with?
  17. I've had the weirdest, probably one-off kraken that was beneficial. I'm using Near Future, KCT, Malemute rover. I'm sending an autonomous malemute to Eve using mechjeb "launch into target inclination." World stabilizer is on, mechjeb is accelerating time. I adjust my staging a little while waiting for countdown. Suddenly, my 4 launch clamps bounce 1 whole KILOMETER into the air and the rocket just hovers there, no biggie. Mechjeb launches, and everything goes smoothly. I have been gifted 1 km of attitude by the weirdest kraken even. Pictured: The rocket design flying normally
  18. Is it possible, in FAR, to push jet engines higher than their mach number indicates? Afterburning "Panther" engines, no matter what design I use, cap out at around 970 m/s before rapidly losing thrust. Is it possible to hit mach 3 and maintain it in level flight using procedural wings and Panther engines, or do I need whiplashes? (I'm asking for sake of career saves and "planes with purposes", with Whiplash i can hit very good speeds easily). Also! How do you deal with landing gear and its introduced drag... since AFAIK none of the mods allow building the gear housing INTO the wing/fuselage properly. I'm mostly using B9aero, Mk2 stockalike, b9 wings, Near future and foundry.
  19. If I made myself a patch to allow in-situ production of methalox, hydrolox and lithium for Near-future and cryoengines (no containers or WOLF or anything like that, just MPUs able to convert water, chemicals and rare metals respectively), should I post it anywhere (it's just more or less "this feels right" numbers without much balancing). I saw people mention making patches but CKAN and forum search showed none of them.
  20. I found the issue. It was an interaction of B9 proc wings and bi/tricouplers. The fix was to attach the vertical stabilizer to the ENGINES and not the bi/tricoupler. I posted details in the two mods' pages.
  21. Heya, I found a weird interaction between proc wings and MK2 expansion tricouplers. I got a "fix" for it, for anyone that encounters it. Linking the original post: For search engine stuff: Phantom forces turning plane to the right/left even while on the runway and having no control input/thrust. In hindsight, it happens even with normal bicouplers in stock, but the forces are only minimal and only bother when taking off/landing, the tricoupler got them way higher.
  22. Heya, for people in the future: Phantom Forces. I do not know if it's due to this mod or B9 procedural wings or FAR continued, but the following scenario led to phantom forces: This design was stable...ish. Then I upgraded from panthers to the whiplash and suddenly, I started turning to the right HORRIBLY. I thought it was the cockpit/intakes, so I went and rebuilt the plane from scratch with bigger wheels and whatnot. I kept the same vertical stabilizer/rudder design of a split V. And the issue persisted. I'd start turning right on the runway, and if I did manage to take-off... I'd begin to yaw uncontrollably. I then began to uninstall spaceplane parts mods, remove parts one by one and keep trying and trying and... nothing seemed to work. Finally, I looked at the rudder. It was attached to the fuel tank, not the tricoupler. I could remove the tricoupler and the vertical stabilizers remained. I then deleted the stabilizers and attached them NOT to the tricoupler, but to the whiplashes directly. Now, I was able to take off! Long-story short: if you are running this mod and procedural wings and FAR and experience really weird veering to the right/left on the runway and on take off, experience unexplainable yaw instability that seems to persist even without thrust (I'd have my engines off and parachuting and... I'd be spinning faster and faster in place)... Do not put your procedural wing on the tricoupler. Put it on your very long whiplash engines or rapier or such. Or if you do put it on the bi/tricoupler, make SUPER CERTAIN it is attached to the coupler and not the fuel tank in front of it. I've no idea what or why this is an issue (stock bicoupler seems fine), but... this is the fix I found. The new design flies wonderfully (altho I'll shift the rudders into a V shape again) This causes phantom forces: This doesn't cause phantom forces:
  23. I'd launch the plane/load in the rover. Physics eases in, I don't touch anything (in fact, brakes are automatically on thinking this would help. It doesn't). Slowly, my plane spins on the runway and I have to fight it to point straight. Once in the air, things are USUALLY fine - some designs, despite arodynamically sound, decide to keep wanting to turn right in the air as well. Rovers have a similar spinny issue. I'm at my wit's end as it makes some stuff frustratingly hard, are there any tools to highlight/ID parts that cause phantom forces? For planes, I use B9 proc wings and kerbal foundries mostly.
  24. 2 new suggestions: There's suborbital and orbital tourism giving a nice progression. There should also be a Mun/Minmus flyby/orbit tourism separate from actually landing. Landing an SSTO is a significant challenge spike - especially on the Mun - and offering flyby contracts as a stepping stone would make progression easier.
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