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Everything posted by AIM-9X

  1. will there ever be parts like the neried and tethys again? I loved using those capsules as landers because of the extra engines, didn't even know it was based on spacex
  2. Is it supposed to pause the simulation whenever you land or enter an atmosphere? I cant test any re-entry probes because of this
  3. Wow, did not expect a reply from the creator of the mod! Thanks for working on the fix! I cant wait to add it back to my modlist and explore my spaceships in first person again!
  4. Im experiencing an issue with freeiva, stockalike station parts expansion redux (sspx), and kerbalism. With all 3 installed at once for me, the sspx centrifuges will have all their hatches to the centrifuge locked, no gravity will be experienced in freeiva, and the windows will show that the centrifuge is stationary. Upon uninstalling kerbalism, it works perfectly fine. Can someone help me with this? Kerbalism is vital in my modpack
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