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Luneo Lucy

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    Nah, only discord @luneolucydscrd

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  • About me
    Space is my addiction, she/her
  • Location
    ...where it's nothing but the stink of moist carpet, the madness of mono-yellow, and endless backround noise of fluorescent lights at maximum hum-buzz
  • Interests
    Space, experimental digital media and listening to people's ramblings

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  1. Hi, that's nice work but I don't think Beale's intention is to make something sensical but rather reproduce what has been designed already. Don't throw away this work though, maybe it'll be nice one day for an eventual mod that aims to complement Tantares with fitting fictional additions...
  2. I don't think it would add that much parts, one for the LES, one for the upper fairing and another for the lower fairing, both of those with a part switch for the other side I'm not sure but I think that's how RN's Soviet mods do it, and it works
  3. They would have 4 After N1-6L's failure more roll control was needed, that's when the 11D121 vernier engine was developped and flown on N1-7L and planned for future N1 launches
  4. The data i found was from legal sources, simply really hard to come by due to the language barrier and contradicting numbers, but after comparing across everything i found, the result was credible numbers and hardware for the roll control jets and verniers throughout the development of the N1 Basically no more wondering how this massive monolith steered across all its stages I cannot share my findings yet due to how messy it is atm, but I will make sure to share the document here once I'm done
  5. Hi @Beale, I have recently found valuable data on the N1 that this mod would greatly improve from, I would like to contribute to TantaresLV's N1 but I need to know if you'd prefer me to modify the current models and textures or start from scratch
  6. Mek still isn't finished, there is still the mars descent vehicle to make Also the LKs were being reworked, idk if they're done
  7. Such a silly little guy! We can always count on soviet engineering for this wacky stuff
  8. Hi sorry to bother (again), could you send those details to me too please? Also that MAV looks strangely cute, love it!
  9. Are there plans to update N1? Like N1F, N1M, verniers (yes, N1 had verniers, but they're only visible on N1F)... I have to admit i wasn't a fan of Tantares before, but the latest updates and reworks sure have made me change my mind, keep up the good work!
  10. I love soviet space stuff, but as a RO player it pains me to see single engine LK or aerospike LK-700, not complaining though, I know that this isn't an issue for most people and compromises are needed. But I would like to ask if anyone would be interested in helping making a realistic patch for Tantares, I can make models and configs but definitely not texturing.
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