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  1. My post seems like it was removed, so I'm trying again. I can't figure out how to "test" properly. Everything on my very simple aircraft continuously breaks, even after turning down the frequency values and building 3 or 4 generations of the same aircraft. I can't fly for more than 3 or 4 minutes without a cascade of failures (control surfaces, engines, batteries, etc.). I thought that by building a vessel with some parts, "testing" (flying it around or static firing an engine on the pad) the vessel, and then building new vessels with the same part-types that have been tested, that I'd get to have a more reliable craft since those part types have been used and are now "tested". However, it seems to me that only the specific part instances (used on the recovered vehicle) ever get "tested". Since there is no clear explanation (that I can find) in this forum topic (nor is there one that I can find in the replies or any of the documentation for this mod as well as ScrapYard) on what constitutes a "test", I can only assume that I'm either doing something wrong or the requirements for a "test" are more complicated than what I'm understanding. I thought that by using parts that I've already used in a recovered vessel, my future iterations of that same craft would become more reliable, and then as I re-use the same specific vehicle/parts, they would degrade over time until reaching EOL. If I'm understanding that correctly, then I must be experiencing some kind of error or mod conflict, because the rate of failures and the displayed safety ratings on my vessels are not corresponding with those expectations. Please let me know where I'm going wrong. I'm happy to provide logs/craft files/screenshots or whatever's needed. I love the idea of this mod, but it's been extremely frustrating to try to understand and I'm at the point where I'm ready to just ditch it for this career.
  2. how do you "test" parts? there don't seem to be any instructions anywhere (that I can find) and everything keeps breaking... Edit: still trying to figure this out. accidentally posted twice. my update is in the post that follows this one. sorry for the duplication.
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