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Everything posted by users14

  1. What version is your version of Parallax? Parallax versions prior to 2.0.7 conflict with Deferred. I would recommend downloading the newest version of Parallax (2.0.8). Also, I would recommend you send your KSP.log file under your main directory.
  2. The only thing I can imagine is using Kopernicus HazardousBody heatmaps to map out volcanoes. I'm not sure about the accuracy of it at a small scale, though. I doubt that there's a way to add an audio effect, though. Blackrack's volumetric clouds do have lightning sounds. Below is a HazardousBody config from the Kopernicus Wiki that could potentially be helpful.
  3. I would recommend you to add this line to the code: Debug { exportMesh = true update = true } If it still isn't resolved, I would suggest you ask a question on the Kopernicus discord about it if you have access.
  4. Is this compatible with EVE clouds? I for sure know that KopernicusExpansion isn't compatible due to this clipping happening when using KopernicusExpansion.
  5. There still is, I'm sure it's called KittopiaTech. I was able to find a 1.8.1 version that still works, with only a few issues such as you having to restart the game after closing the menu.
  6. From what I can pick up, no, you cannot do this using only Kopernicus, however you can also make your own dll/mod for that effect, but it may take a long time. Edit: Correct me if I'm wrong, but KittopiaTech also allows you to change your star's light and other things, yet I'm not sure how you can integrate that into a dll. Edit 2: The Kargantua mod's plugin that allows you to do what Kargantua did seems to be extremely out of date. Also Singularity isn't very related.
  7. Edit: So it turns out, the main issue was the specular color, and not mipmaps.
  8. Unfortunately, this planet pack is incompatible with the current version of KSP (1.12.5). This mod fell into incompatibility a while ago, and it doesn't seem like GamesLinx will update it. I'd suggest downloading a different planet pack such as Beyond Home (same author as this, kind of outdated but should still work well), and see if that works. If you absolutely want to play the mod despite its age and CKAN will not let you delete Scatterer, try deleting it yourself through the GameData folder.
  9. Mipmaps with DTX1 also causes the same issue. I can live without mipmaps, though.
  10. I'm using GIMP to do so, and from what I know, I used DTX5 compression and exported it with GIMP as a DDS. There are also mipmaps, and I'll try disabling mipmaps and see if it works. Edit: After removing mipmaps, it works perfectly
  11. So as it turns out, my mod has a few issues. For example, even with a texture, the gas planet is completely black as seen in the images below Gas giant config below Star config below Edit: When placing a regular Jool, it seems to be illuminated correctly Second edit: This issue happens when I apply the texture to the ScaledVersion. Here is my texture below: Third edit: Something was likely wrong with my texture. OPM Urlum's texture worked, but when I tried to use the Ignis texture, it did the same glitch.
  12. Another issue - When making gas giants, the gas giant seems to completely black out around the star. No matter what the config I did for the gas giant, it just won't work. Planet Config: Star Config:
  13. This really helped, but due to the "Laythe" template, my planet has an atmosphere, so I just decided to add a really thin one instead, and that should work well. Edit: I was able to completely get rid of the atmosphere by turning off "Enabled" in an atmosphere node.
  14. When I splash down on the oceans of a planet I made, this weird graphical bug occurs: Also in space, this weird bug happens, when it is not supposed to [look at the planet, it has its ScaledSpace texture overlaid over its surface.. for some reason?] Edit: I was able to fix the second issue on my own, but the first issue is really puzzling me. Edit 2: The transition between PQS and ScaledSurface causes the second issue at around 145km-ish? Edit 3: With some more tinkering, I was able to completely fix the ScaledSurface issue, but first issue still there Config:
  15. Okay, so I just found out that I added 2 "normals" textures on accident, a KittopiaTech one, so I will remove that and see if it fixes the issue. Edit: Unfortunately, it did not fix the issue, and it still remains. Edit 2: I tried remaking the texture, but it ended up doing this even after regen textures in KittopiaTech I was able to resolve the issue, but now the terrain is entirely black from up close: Final Update: It fully works now!
  16. I tried to create a planet with Kopernicus, but the planet seems to be completely black and invisible. Config below:
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