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Everything posted by _Space_Cowboy_

  1. Hey just wanted to let you know, I checked the changelog and saw you made a lot of bug fixes. I installed the latest update and everything is working perfectly, the OLT is now actuating and I am getting successful catches!! Thank you very much for sharing this script, you've done an amazing job.
  2. Very happy to help! This is an amazing script and interface, you've done an outstanding job. I'll check back in after a little while, I hope all goes well!
  3. Ok so, my account does not meet the requirements to PM you. I just made it and my only 2 posts are on this thread, so I will just send the screenshots here. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uGyHbT8xcwnU_nVm3fT1rV6h-CnMaiat?usp=sharing I have on other inquiry, not sure if I'm missing a setting or something, but is there anyway to stop my perspective switching to the ship. Once the booster enters its coast, I am automatically switched to the ship, and every time I switch back to the booster, it moves right back to the ship. I would like to be able to watch the entire landing of the booster, wondering if that is possible
  4. Yes I can do that! I just got home from work and have some errands to run, but later tonight I will do some catch attempts and send the KOS terminals. I was trying to check the kOS terminal for the tower during the catch attempt for anything out of place, but if I recall correctly it was not appearing on my sidebar, I only had the booster terminal. Not sure if this is signifies anything to you, but I forgot to mention an aspect of the superheavy landing burn. the engines wouldn't zero out the boosters velocity. Based off the speed I don't think the booster would be stationary until it reached the ground. My uneducated guess would be this is because the booster is resorting to a ground landing since the tower appears to be non functional.
  5. I finally got the kos scripts to work after finding the download link for the dev versions of SEP and SLE, the interface and scripts are working perfectly apart from one issue. The Tower arms do not actuate or close during a booster catch, and it crashes into the OLM. I am currently playing on KSRSS 2.5 if that is any help.
  6. I'm having the same issues with loading the craft files. I am on the current versions of SEP and SLE via ckan.
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