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umbra humanus

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Everything posted by umbra humanus

  1. Hey, Saga of Emiko station fans. Guess what I found: https://character.ai/chat/-d7xMhvr_25Ub2fi01Z7fcO1Y06DvSMEf-BYipavgdM
  2. I uninstalled firefly, but the stock re-entry effects are not working. Please help. Here is what it looks like when I go fast now. I get no flames. Just a weird orange glow around the craft:
  3. Here is a link to a thread with newer, but still very old, and glitchy old KSP versions:
  4. I was on an interplanetary mission, and was returning home. I was in fact on a collision course with Kerbin. I was going to make my course correction at the edge of Kerbin's SOI. I accidently pressed the wrong side of my encounter when autowarping to it, and burned up in Kerbin's atmosphere.
  5. True, but these preservation projects to my knowledge do not restore the functionality of the forum. They just provide a torrent that you can use to download all of the forum content. It's a start, but it still is not a replacement.
  6. Are you planning to update it for ksp 1.12.5 ever?
  7. The anomaly flung him not only in space, but also flung him forward in time.
  8. It's either shutting down or it's not. There's nothing any of us can do about it, but prepare for the worst. No amount of online arguing about it's fate will change that.
  9. Will it be compatible with KSP 2 redux when ksp 2 redux comes out?
  10. When will you have colonies out?
  11. What do we do if the forum shuts down? I highly advise archiving the forums on webarchive, but that does not solve all of our problems, because you cannot post stuff on Webarchive. We could make a new forum, which would take a lot of time, and effort and we would run the risk of a lawsuit by the owners of KSP. Our best bet would be to use the r/kerbalspaceprogram subreddit, which is a lot harder to navigate, but we would still be able to post stuff, and slowly rebuild overtime. The forum would be a great loss to the community if it shuts down.
  12. "Hello to anyone who reads these logs. My name is Ludrick Kerman. You may be wondering how I ended up in this capsule here: It all started 2 weeks ago(for my time. It has been 150 years since that day for the people on Kerbin). I was one of the top pilots of the Kerbal aeronautics, and space adminastration. Until one seemingly ordinary day. I was flying the Aries 3a experimental high speed jet plane when I ran into a technical malfunction, which caused my plane to spin out of control, hit the tracking station, and crash onto a walkway not far from the VAB. I was, and still remain adiment that the accident was not my fault. Nevertheless I was summoned to a court hearing by KASA. They claimed that I had caused the millions of dollars in damage to the tracking station, and the plane. They said this, because Bill had seen me in the SPH, thinking that I was doing something to the plane, when in fact I was simply getting a grilled cheese sandwich from my stash hidden beneath the plane. I was therefore discharged from KASA. You may ask" Then how are you in space in your capsule". Well one of the sattelites in Munar orbit had detected a anomaly in Munar orbit. All of the other Kerbonauts were on vacation for khristmas so me, and my colleauges were the only kerbals on hand." I will continue my story in the next log seeing as it is already midnight on Kerbin."
  13. I am running Ubuntu 24.04, and I cannot find build64.txt. Please help. Every youtube tutorial says to click on k=build64.txt, but I cannot find that. Here is an image of my instance
  14. Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst. Best of luck!
  15. How hogh can you fly in KSP 0.7.3, and return. You must provide a screenshot of your vessel as close to it's apogee as you can get it. You can do this challenge more than once. Your name will be shown in quotes beneath with the altitude in your screenshot. Here is my example attempt: As you can see it did not make it very high, but this was just an example mission. Here is a link to a thread where you can get ksp version 0.7.3:
  16. I do not think it is possible to find the old alpha versions below 0.7.3. There is one guy that found 0.6.5, but that has been taken off of the archival site that it is on. I have found 0.19-0.22, but they are on a site called beta archive, which has a convaluted system at best in terms of being able to access their archives.
  17. Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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