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umbra humanus

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Everything posted by umbra humanus

  1. After that I attempted to gain some high altitude science.
  2. Lately I have gotten bored with normal ksp. Honestly I wanted to try something different. So I decided to do a ksp career mode with Whirligig World. In KSP Whirligig World you are placed on a homeworld with no atmosphere, 1.3 gs of gravity, and a 28 minute day/night cycle. Luckily you are given probes to start with. This launch managed to get up to around 15km before crashing down to Mesbin. On this launch I forgot to bring an antenna. Oh well In between Mesbin One, and Mesbin Two, I Put a command pod on the pad, and collected science reports with Bob Kerman.
  3. I was on gilly, and my kerbal was on EVA. I accidentally broke a solar panel, and that made my kerbal float. He could move his legs like he was walking, but could not go anywhere. He was also suspended ten meters in the air.
  4. As it turns out I had taken a screenshot shortly after landing on the mun.
  5. I decided to go to the Mun in ksp 0.17. Unfortunately I do not have any screenshots. I am doing this in ksp 0.17. In ksp 0.17 the mun is hard to reach, and there are no manuver nodes. . So I used the Kerbal X to go to the Mun. I was originally intending to go to orbit. But I decided to instead go to the Mun. I was inefficient and did not have enough fuel to return. So I attempted a rescue mission but it failed, smearing Jeb across the surface. In a last ditch effort, I tried using the remaining fuel, but that did not work so the spacecraft crashed, and all kerbals died except for one that i managed to eva in time. So i tried using the jetpack, but it did not have enough fuel sending Billy-Boblas plummeting to his death.
  6. Hello I would like to know how i could get old versions of ksp past 0.13.3 but before 1.0.5.
  7. I have finished the challenge. To finish it I used a rover, and drove around to every ksc building multiple times, then after that I would put the science in a science lab attached to a hot air balloon using the mod "Coldj Hot Air Balloons" I have finished the challenge. To finish it I used a rover, and drove around to every ksc building multiple times, then after that I would put the science in a science lab attached to a hot air balloon using the mod "Coldj Hot Air Balloons" . Then I would process it.
  8. Make a video about it. I shall be watching to make sure you do, andif you do not i shall propose an even harder challenge to you.
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