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Mr. Kerbin

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Posts posted by Mr. Kerbin

  1. Part 5 1/2 : Eve or Bust! 


    So, the KSC has been oddly quiet recently. Why? Three things.

    1. New planets are being discovered. (RL: I am making Beyond Jool) However, they need more research.
    2. And more importantly, the Eve Transfer Window is here. Here at the KSC, we have been putting a lot of time into this. (this is the main reason I was taking a while)
    3. Other stuff, like how we launched a Dres probe, and forgot to tell anyone. That sure didn't help the whole Dres Hoax thing.

    Anyway, so this is how the whole Eve thing went.

    So, we decided, that using propellers would help with ascent.




    ...that didn't go too well.

    So we made another design.


    And it worked!

    Until we realized that the "Ease into physics" was still on.

    Then we made ANOTHER one.


    But the landings were less then successful.

    And the Dres probe?

    Is still on its way.


    Deeeeeeep Space!


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