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Mr. Kerbin

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Posts posted by Mr. Kerbin

  1.  Okay, so, two things are happening.

    1. A odd white ring is on the back of my planet (named Sarkin) in map and normal view. I have normals and textures. I have attempted to look for fix to no avail, from retexturing, new normals, and misspells.  SEE EDIT 2

    2. My moon of Sarkin, Lull,  fades out when I zoom out too far in the normal view. This is new. Kerbal can still do stuff and terrain works.

    The pictures are here. https://imgur.com/a/XtDWP0C

    These config's were from the help of @Sushut and @JoshTheKerbal's tutorials. Thanks for your time.

    EDIT: FYI, the mods are Niako's Kopernicus Utility's, MM, Kopernicus, and KittopiaTech. I decided to make a separate game for this, not my main modded install.

    EDIT 2x: It was the Gradient node. Problem 1 is solved.



            name = Lull
            cacheFile = BeyondJool/Cache/Lull.bin
                name = Mun
                removeAllPQSMods = True
                 displayName = Lull^N
                 description = Lull is just a boring moon that looks a lot like the Mun. It, like the moons of Jool, was found after somekerb found a "grey dot" that wouldn't come off
                 radius = 216000
                 geeASL = 0.2
                 rotates = true
                 tidallyLocked = True
                 isHomeWorld = false
                     landedDataValue = 11
                     inSpaceLowDataValue = 9
                     inSpaceHighDataValue = 9
                     recoveryValue = 8
                     spaceAtitudeThershold = 60000

               referenceBody = Sarkin
               semiMajorAxis = 44500000
               eccentricity = 0.03
               inclination = 10.45
               longitudeOfAscendingNode = 22
               argumentOfPeriapsis = 3
               meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 8.65
               epoch = 0
               color = RGBA(100,100,100,200)
                type = Vacuum
                fadeStart = 156000
                fadeEnd = 177500
                   texture = BeyondJool/Textures/PluginData/LullColor.png
                   normals = BeyondJool/Textures/PluginData/LullNormal.png
                   color = 1,1,1,1
                   specColor = 0,0,0,0
                   shininess = 0
               minLevel = 2
               maxLevel = 10
               minDetailDistance = 8
               maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
               fadeStart = 60000
               fadeEnd = 120000
               deactivateAltitude = 120750
               mapMaxHeight = 9000
               materialType = AtmosphericTriplanarZoomRotation
              bounceCombine = Multiply
              frictionCombine = Maximum
              bounciness = 0
              staticFriction = 0.9
              dynamicFriction = 0.9
               factor = 10
               factorBlendWidth = 0.1
               factorRotation = 180
               saturation = 1.2
               contrast = 1
               tintColor = 1,1,1,0
               specularColor = 0.110294104,0.110294104,0.110294104,0.200000003
               albedoBrightness = 1.5
               steepPower = 2
               steepTexStart = 50000
               steepTexEnd = 1000000
               steepTex = BUILTIN/terrain_rock00
               steepTexScale = 1,1
               steepTexOffset = 0,0
               steepBumpMap = BUILTIN/Cliff (Layered Rock)_NRM
               steepBumpMapScale = 1,1
               steepBumpMapOffset = 0,0
               steepNearTiling = 125
               steepTiling = 50
               lowTex = BUILTIN/gillyMedTerrain_diffuse
               lowTexScale = 1,1
               lowTexOffset = 0,0
               lowTiling = 100000
               midTex = BUILTIN/gillyMedTerrain_diffuse
               midTexScale = 1,1
               midTexOffset = 0,0
               midTiling = 150000
               midBumpMap = BUILTIN/gillyMedTerrain_nrm
               midBumpMapScale = 1,1
               midBumpMapOffset = 0,0
               midBumpTiling = 150000
               highTex = BUILTIN/gillyMedTerrain_diffuse
               highTexScale = 1,1
               highTexOffset = 0,0
               highTiling = 100000
               lowStart = -1
               lowEnd = -1
               highStart = 1
               highEnd = 1
               planetOpacity = 1
                saturation = 1
                contrast = 1.83
                tintColor = 1,1,1,0
                texTiling = 1000
                texPower = 0.5
                multiPower = 0.3
                groundTexStart = 20000
                groundTexEnd = 60000
                multiFactor = 0.5
                mainTex = BUILTIN/SandyGround
                    mainTexScale = 1,1
                mainTexOffset = 0,0
            planetOpacity = 1
                      map = BeyondJool/Textures/PluginData/LullHeight.png
                      deformity = 7000
                      offset = 0
                      scaleDeformityByRadius = False
                      enabled = True
                      order = 100
                      noiseType = Billow
                      deformity = 75
                      frequency = 100
                      persistence = 0.55
                      seed = 122
                      lacunarity = 2
                      octaves = 12
                      enabled = true
                      order = 104
                      map = BeyondJool/Textures/PluginData/LullColor.png
                      order = 200
                      enabled = True
                   altitudeBlend = 0
                   altitudeFrequency = 1
                   altitudeOctaves = 1
                   altitudePersistance = 1
                   altitudeSeed = 1
                   createColors = True
                   createScatter = True
                   latitudeBlend = 0
                   latitudeFrequency = 1
                   latitudeOctaves = 1
                   latitudePersistance = 1
                   latitudeSeed = 1
                   longitudeBlend = 0
                   longitudeFrequency = 1
                   longitudeOctaves = 1
                   longitudePersistance = 1
                   longitudeSeed = 1
                   useHeightMap = False
               vHeightMax = 10000
               order = 999999
               enabled = True
                  name = Base
                  alterApparentHeight = 0
                  alterRealHeight = 0
                  color = 0,0,0,0
                  coverageBlend = 0
                  coverageFrequency = 1
                  coverageOctaves = 1
                  coveragePersistance = 1
                  coverageSeed = 123
                  latDelta = 1
                  latitudeDouble = False
                  lonDelta = 1
                  minimumRealHeight = 0
                  noiseBlend = 0
                  noiseColor = 0,0,0,0
                  noiseFrequency = 1
                  noiseOctaves = 1
                  noisePersistance = 1
                  noiseSeed = 321
                  delete = False
                      startStart = 0
                      startEnd = 0
                      endStart = 1
                      endEnd = 1
                      startStart = 0
                      startEnd = 0
                      endStart = 1
                      endEnd = 1
                      startStart = 0
                      startEnd = 0
                      endStart = 1
                      endEnd = 1


    The planet configs are here


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