I use the Snacks mod for Life Support, and I use the optional Air and Stress resources within that mod. I noticed that Kerbal Planetary Base Systems doesn't interface with those elements of Snacks, and it made the prospect of base building using this mod a challenge. I tinkered around with the config file for a bit and eventually got it to a place where I feel it now works well with those elements of Snacks. Specifically, my changes do the following:
Add an "Air Maker" mode to the Planetary ISRU part that matches the statistics of the stock ISRU
Added "Fresh Air", "Stale Air", and "Fresh and Stale Air" options to the small and big Snacks container parts, matching the volume to the other resources those containers provide
Added a "Soil Recycler" module to the MK2 and MK1 Habitats. The MK2 matches the Hitchhiker's efficiency from Snacks, the MK1 process half as much soil per unit of electricity
Added an "Air Scrubber" module to the MK2 and MK1 Habitats. The MK2 matches the Hitchhiker's efficiency from Snacks, the MK1 process half as much Stale Air per unit of electricity
Added an "Entertainment Center" module to the MK2 and MK1 Habitats. The MK2 and MK1 match the Hitchhiker's efficiency from Snacks
Added Stale Air and Soil resource storage to the MK2 and MK1 Habitats. The MK2 matches the Hitchhiker's storage volume from Snacks, the MK1 has 3/4 of that volume
Adjusted the mass of the MK2 and MK1 habitats to compensate for the above changes. The changes match the adjusted mass values from the config file for the USI Life Support mod
I'd be happy to share it with the community but I'm not sure what the proper etiquette for this is, since this isn't my mod and 95% of this work was just copying code from the config files for this mod and Snacks. @Nils277, if this is helpful, I can send the file to you, or I can post them here if that's appropriate.