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Everything posted by GGaF

  1. @VanamondeI want the structural properties. Since I used a ton of parts, I have one long chain of parts connected to a single point, ruining my stability, causythinging it to freak out when I dock it with anything.
  2. Does anyone know why Structural Panels such as the SP-S18, will not snap together perpendicular to eachother in such a way to make a box? Attached are images showing what I mean.
  3. Right now I am trying to attach a bunch of SP-S06 Structural Panels together into a box, and I can't get the parts to attach to each-other properly. It shows the green and black node sphere, but wont let me attach parts to the nodes. I was wondering if there was a way to use the reroot tool to change what the part is attached to, without changing what the root part is.
  4. @Vanamonde I've been experementing and it is due to the position of my probe core. Since my probe core is facing upwards I am assuming it is messing with the way the control surfaces have been moving. placing the probe core facing forward has fixed it. Thanks for the help though!
  5. An update to the SSTO, I am now using the attached SSTO, and am having the same problems. I made it from scratch, and set the authority to minimum and maximum, and used the Big-S Spaceplane Tail Fin and Delta wings with control surfaces, and they also did not work. Tail fins seem to work on smaller planes, but never bigger ones.
  6. The rudder seems to work on smaller planes, I have deleted the rudder and replaced it, and I have also tried it with the rudder not clipping into anything.
  7. I am working on a SSTO and can't seem to get the yaw to work(pitch and roll work). I have tried using fins with built-in control surfaces, suh as the FAT-455, and I have tried putting on a fin and adding the control surfaces seperately, and neither will work. The yaw indicator at the bottom left shows that I am yawing to the left and right, but the control surfaces don't move. I have tried disabling everything but yaw, and can only get it to work when I deploy it and use the yaw action group to change the angle at which it deploys. I would fly with that fix but it does not return to neutral automatically and that is a feature I would like to use. Attached is a picture of the SSTO.
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