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Everything posted by Riglen

  1. i was messing around and i made some planes where instead of using control surface parts for pitch they use servos attached to wings they are also attached to the keybinds for pitch surprisingly they are very stable and only start krakening at extremely fast speeds it uses breaking ground of course supersonic bomber: 34k deltav with afterburner 78k without 77 parts 40.157 t H 4.4m W 15.2 m L 17.8 m https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3305781475 testbed: 68k deltav without afterburner 30k with it 26 parts 11.868 T H 4.1 m L 10.2 m W 8.7 m https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3305766315
  2. my first non-rapier engine ssto 34.225 T wet mass and 13.225 T dry it carries 2 passengers and a pilot with RCS and a port for docking along with plenty of delta-v (800+ after LKO) it has just enough liquid fuel to reach 20k meters with a stable 5-15 degree flight path and have less than 20 delta-v after using all the rocket fuel also the wet and dry COM are in the exact same spot providing good performance no matter the fuel level https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198409027321/screenshot/2460739118164056893/ https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198409027321/screenshot/2460739118164053161/ https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198409027321/screenshot/2460739118164054347/ https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198409027321/screenshot/2460739118164060042/ also i don't know how to insert images because it won't work for me
  3. thank you this works very well now i just have to figure out the decoupling without the kraken exploding me
  4. i have the worlds first mission to land on eve and the one to plant a flag on eve as well i spent hours reading multiple posts on varying different websites and trying out multiple different designs and after finding one that worked ok i added a 10m heat shield on the side closest to CoM but it flipped over i have tried everything from moving around the CoM to swapping the side the heat shield is on and i just cant figure out why it keeps flipping over i cant figure out why the insert image from URL keeps showing as red so i will just put the link to the screen shot here https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198409027321/screenshot/2460738484202939217/
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