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Everything posted by MrShelter

  1. Finally a mod which balances Jool's moons! I always thought there were too much moons for Jool, and I was more than certainly overwhelmed by that, thank you so much for this amazing mod!
  2. Fixed it, found out to be issues with SWE, which has WaterfallRestock replacements, which in fact use MM's LAST, so I had to do the same thing to override it(those six engines were mentioned here, https://github.com/KSPModStewards/RocketSoundEnhancementDefault/issues/5, thanks ArgentGamer)
  3. I found piece of code which, well, makes it work like that For some unexplainable reason, the patch for SWE, does not include ALL engines at the moment, including wheesley and rapier air breathing cycle(I suspect, for unknown reason, all air engines weren't included here, idk why) The solution is to... just add them
  4. I found out it had to do Stock Waterfall Effects, and maybe other Waterfall mods. I sorted out, and without SWE, it works fine, but with it, it changes sound to other one, looks to be stock AUDIO, and doesn't mute at all Edit: I checked code for SWE, and yes, it does use it :[, I am not sure why RSE doesn't override it for some reason, but I can try just editing all files and replacing AUDIO with RSE_AUDIO, and removing RSE's config sounds(maybe the reason it's so damn loud because both sounds overlap), but it's quite inconvenient
  5. Hey, I feel little stupid, but how do I select all those different launch sites? I didn't understand the KK GUI in the VAB/SPH window
  6. Hey, sorry for disturbing, actually that's my bad, I didn't scroll far enough in Blizzy's toolbar
  7. Sorry for necroposting, but I cant seem to find GUI button in either stock toolbar and Blizzy's Toolbar, or even Toolbar Controller. I would live without GUI normally, but I need KAS to work, and the button for it is hidden inside GUI!
  8. Hello, I think for some reason some engines like jet and srbs aren't affected by airsim and muffler effects(like you can still hear jet engine in forward of aircraft past mach speed, or srb way too loud for vacuum)
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