Here the rebooted Kerbal Veterans section.Same thing as last time.Talk bout stories and all that.Not to boast but to share Age requirement: - 0.14 Rules : 1.Do not be racist to new people 2.No rude words to someone else
After the forums disaster,all my reputation and good stuff are gone.I am back for a reboot to everything i did.In the mean while i have some models that are no use to me. The Spear of Tritium: To get PM me and i will choose.Thank you all!
How do i find the node attach points in blender and i have been making 3d model DAEs but all of them could not be loaded in KSP.The part cfg was all corrected but still could not load.
The crazies thing to do in KSP if you dare to do.Land the BFE-5000 liquid engine on the moon.You may edit the part .cfg to land. No landing legs allowed! i manage to this.