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  1. Indeed, i was just wondering about Firespitter, the airplane plus parts are the only ones I want Thanks a lot for the quick answer and for your commitment to keeping this mod alive !
  2. Hi @Lisias ! Thanks a lot for continuing this mod. A couple questions: 1- Some wheels are still broken (sidegear at least). I've tried using the fix from SuicidalInsanity, which doesn't seem to have been merged in the latest release from your github (I may be wrong), but it doesn't improve much. In the end the wheels are still sliding on the ground and changing traction control settings doesn't help. Do you have any suggestions and/or is there a proper fix planned for that ? 2- I would like to remove the parts from the Firespitter mod because I'm not interested in them and they take unecessary space in the VAB inventory. Is that safe to just remove the "Parts" folder from the mod and if not, how can I achieve that ? For the record, I'm using the latest version of Firespitter, 7.17, and the latest release from your github.
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