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Everything posted by szpeicer

  1. https://imgur.com/a/EeU3l3M Here are the screenshots
  2. I have the parts researched, but they dont show in vab (some antennas for example). https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/culws9i5wtny61w6zmosg/mods.txt?rlkey=ofgz39scqgj7knslhqffvh2cu&st=3jrrr657&dl=0 mods https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/fr7z2v9m4u0ufsr75j12r/Player.log?rlkey=wdugt2rd12at5v0nq0ywiv6il&st=s0jamb65&dl=0 log
  3. I came upon a weird problem that happened suddenly. I lost engine sounds, however booster sounds are still present. Newest version of ksp, if needed i can provide a mod list. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/fbgg0a9zypi3crzcm2556/Player.log?rlkey=anolelzniay21v1vdoj6nzb24&st=6o88ewf9&dl=0 log
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