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Everything posted by ZI_YX

  1. Thank you for your reply. Actually, we have confirmed that this is not a bug, but the result of the missile losing its lock. I apologize for the trouble caused.
  2. Regarding the issue in ChangElog, "Fix radar-guided missiles fired from a VLS detonating immediately after launch due to lost lock." My friend inquired in a small group chat about an issue where "missiles would explode after climbing, with a certain probability" shortly after the release of version I asked if the aircraft had locked onto the target, and he confirmed that it was locked. I suggested that it might be due to the missile automatically losing its lock. What I would like to know is whether the situation of missiles automatically losing their lock is present in all missiles? Below is the specific content of our discussion: 1. 2. 3. A note on terminology: In our usage, "missile automatically losing its lock" is akin to "missile losing lock," which refers to the missile losing its target acquisition.
  3. Regarding the issue of Simplified Chinese localization. I have completed the Chinese localization for AARS. If you see this, could you please add my localization files to the update? https://github.com/Icecovery/Automated-Aerial-Refueling-System/issues/3
  4. I will continue to follow this mod and contribute to the Simplified Chinese translation of the game to the best of my ability!
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