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Everything posted by Walrup

  1. When Principia is installed, unusual behaviour occurs in the Simetra-Simeht system. Specifically, after the SimeSystem barycenter object is removed and all items in it are reparented to Simetra, Simetra's configured SOI value is not increased to compensate, so you can be right up against Simetra and Simeht but still be considered in orbit of the star, Sunorc. This causes some unusual knock-on effects: Beyond the expected inconvenience of not being considered in the system for science or contracts in career mode, there comes a point once you're close enough to at least Simeht (I didn't test for approaching Simetra), that you will not be able to re-initate timewarp once you turn it off. The game considers your craft to be "under acceleration." If I had to hazard a guess on why this happens: Because the game considers your craft to be "in high orbit of Sunorc" near nothing in particular, but you're actually being strongly accelerated by a nearby giant planet, the game, ignorant to the fact that you're deep in the gravity well of anything, assumes the rapid acceleration must be from an impulse on your craft and prevents you from warping. Eventually, as you get even closer to the planet, the camera still knows to re-orient from the orbital camera to the surface-oriented camera. However... the game still thinks you're "in orbit of Sunorc," so it orients the camera's down axis not onto the planet you're rapidly approaching, but onto the star instead. At this point, you should be well within the confines of even the small SOI configured for Simeht (and even within its "In Space Low" radius) but it still doesn't consider you to be at Simeht at all... perhaps because you're not entering from the SOI of its parent, Simetra like it would expect? At any rate, I imagine one could probe at the spaghetti coming from this interaction forever, so TLDR: Copying the SOI radius from the inactive SimeSystem config and using that in place of Simetra's regular SOI value fixes all of the above issues. If you're feeling persnickety, Simeht's SOI can be tweaked up slightly as well (though leaving it shouldn't break anything). The value is ordinarily 1.2E7, but 1.4E7 should be just right for it and Simetra to trade off at their L1 Lagrange point. Hope that helps someone. Oh, and thanks for all the amazing stuff, Jason!
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