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  1. The logs are using v1.1.8 I have a different set of logs using the v1.1.2 below (which does not seem to be experiencing the bug) Logs using v1.1.2 : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/4dcsdpnlv3e2mxkhgxr52/ABPcD5MfysDZpaL1bGsUBb0?rlkey=mwkh1isptsq2b2flxmjn1epng&st=l8dhkq29&dl=0
  2. Hello I am having trouble with this mod. I am attempting to use JNSQ + Kcalbeloh however when I install Kcalbeloh is causes the kerbins year to be 1000+ days and causes kerbin to orbit around the sun at only 5ish km/s. Logs https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/jgufwca0bktpb7regoxyv/AJGojnQlCbp3f9GVFu39-z8?rlkey=l7i6g0jau4e5kg4drewced1my&st=llmmfgzu&dl=0 Screenshot https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ny67gqyhgpq3vsc5gd1x6/screenshot11.png?rlkey=ti7rdagdph63vzehpa93vtwk2&st=9vbbuw6d&dl=0 Update I found the issue: JNSQ is compatible with v1.1.2 Kcalbeloh and below but is not compatible with v1.1.4 and above. For whatever reason going past v1.1.2 breaks the calendar and orbital speed of the planets around kerbol.
  3. It turns out that for some reason the Kcalbeloh mod was interfering with JNSQ. Removing it seems to have fixed the issue.
  4. Hello I seem to be having an issue with the clock with this mod. The year it far too long with over 1000 days per year and kerbins velocity around the sun seems to be too slow at 5ish km/s. I am playing with the regular 2.7x scale. Any help would be appreciated. Logs https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/jgufwca0bktpb7regoxyv/AJGojnQlCbp3f9GVFu39-z8?rlkey=l7i6g0jau4e5kg4drewced1my&st=llmmfgzu&dl=0 Screenshot https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ny67gqyhgpq3vsc5gd1x6/screenshot11.png?rlkey=ti7rdagdph63vzehpa93vtwk2&st=9vbbuw6d&dl=0
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