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  1. New visuals mod, aight time to cross my fingers and pray the game doesn't break everything.
  2. Does this mod have cryogenic rs-25? (with Cryo tanks and engines).
  3. Help the toolbar icon for Kerbalism is missing so I can't access any of the Kerbalism settings and stuff.
  4. Oh yeah when I offset CoM do I just offset it to give it slight instability? On an unstable plane the CoM is behind the CoL and that causes the aircraft to nose up without FBW. Like which way should the CoM be have the Capsule generate lift?
  5. Scott Manley to the rescue education! Cus when in doubt Scott has a video on it.
  6. Where in the code does RO do that? i actually want to do the opposite for stock since it makes more sense to me seeing an actual turbine instead of just the exhaust nozzle. I came here to ask if SOCK compatible with RO or do I have to make my own configs for it. I'm also playing with FAR but not real-fuels too stop my laptop from becoming an RTG. Though I want to be able to get a shuttle OV in RO. I'd also like to know if there is Bluedog Design Bureau compatibility in RO since I love the models and textures of BDB (albeit it is stockalike textures which may be slightly out of place for RO though I could try my hand at re-texturing) since they're (tbh not that other mods are worse but BDB imo is the most detailed for pre-2000s space flight) far more detailed than any other mod making stockalike Cold War/Space Race rockets. Sorry for yapping there but basically is SOCK and BDB compatible with RO.
  7. No problem and thanks for having me. Thanks for the help, I think I understand reentry a little better now.
  8. tbh I can't really be bothered with going through all the thread pages to find out whether this mod is compatible with RSS/RO/RP-1 or not. So can anyone confirm if it is? Would be greatly appreciated.
  9. Does this mod need RO engines for stock as well since I can't find the engines for this mod.
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