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Eclipse 32

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Everything posted by Eclipse 32

  1. i'm having image loading issues, as in they aren't.
  2. there were some cheaty engines involved(from a mod called warpprime weaponry) that accelerated at a stupid rate
  3. i play it on my dad's computer, and his emails are a mess, and i don't want to confuse him and make the mess worse. working on a gaming PC and once i have that, i'll start doing images and idk how to embed things
  4. what did i do today? i grabbed a comet first try. then i discovered just how stupid heavy comets are, sent out a comet mover(with really big engines) and grabbed it . first try. again. no images, as my KSP is on a different computer from the one i have the forum on.
  5. as long as you stay sublight, anything is fair game
  6. hmm, post a vid on Twitch? i can watch that ha HA got the new page
  7. can we have vids? on reddit and YT? (i can't use YT rn, but i want to watch this monstrosity fly) and can you try to post it on kerbalX, as the individual modules for anyone who dares to download?
  8. THIS TOPIC IS NOW CLOSED. TO CONTINUE THE CHALLENGE GO TO THE LINK PROVIDED AT THE BOTTOM OF THE THREAD. build a colony in a different star system WITHOUT using a hyperdrive, warp drive, jump drive, or any other sort of FTL travel, and post images here! no hyperedit, as well. use any mods you like, but no FTL until you have gotten there at sublight. film the sublight trip nonstop, from launch from kerbin to landing on the alien world, and post the FULL VIDEO on reddit and YT. timewarp allowed. tell the group what world and star system you're heading for. send mp4 video files to my main email at oserichard11@gmail.com. wormholes are allowed in baby and easy modes. BABY MODE: idc just get there at sublight EASY* MODE: 300 kerbals to the system, and use UMB (life support, sanity, ect.) HARD MODE: easy mode, but 500 kerbals, and your ship must be AT LEAST 1 km in length. PAIN MODE: hard mode, but 1000 kerbals, and with chemical rockets only WHY??? MODE: pain mode, but 5000 kerbals, at least a five km long ship, and with ONE STOCK ION DRIVE ONLY i need someone to make mission patches, can someone provide?
  9. i really need interstellar mods. ah, the kerbal tradition of smashing spaceships into planets.
  10. i had a passenger jet experience the same thing, but more so. got launched at THREE KM PER SECOND.
  11. it has continued breaking like this every hour or so for me, take a look in the code? it just broke again for me. found a typo in the part searches: "There aren't any craft on KerablX that use this part"
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