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Eclipse 32

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Everything posted by Eclipse 32

  1. cool! made another challenge, which is this but worse WOOT! NEW PAGE!
  2. currently SSTA means Single Stage To Anywhere. let's redefine that to Single Stage To Arcturus. wormholes allowed.
  3. i installed it last night and it thoroughly broke me.
  4. technically yesterday's news, but i started work on a Warpliner(1st class, mk-2 profile). still a WIP, however.
  5. nice! can you include freeIVA so we can get a tour once it's done?
  6. *squint* "Weir" base...? why do i get the feeling that the shared name with Dragonriders of Pern ain't a coincidence...?
  7. can someone give me the proper order of all of these mission reports?
  8. ok! please give a list of all planned craft for this mission.
  9. and there's that plasma drive that's just stupid long
  10. i installed FFT last night, and all i can say is wow
  11. *GROWL* i was messing around with FFT, and had build at NSWR craft, and was building a launcher, when the family computer that i was playing on decided to do a full restart. thankfully, i had saved the NSWR craft, so all that was lost was the launcher. buuttttt idk the password for the aforementioned family PC, so i'm locked out.
  12. managed to install it correctly first try, am utterly amazed that i did.
  13. looking forward to the fireworks- i mean rocket launches! build a colony in a different star system WITHOUT using a hyperdrive, warp drive, jump drive, or any other sort of FTL travel, and post images here! no hyperedit, as well. use any mods you like, but no FTL until you have gotten there at sublight. film the sublight trip nonstop, from launch from kerbin to landing on the alien world, and post the FULL VIDEO on reddit and YT. timewarp allowed. tell the group what world and star system you're heading for. send mp4 video files to my main email at oserichard11@gmail.com. wormholes are allowed in baby and easy modes. BABY MODE: idc just get there at sublight EASY* MODE: 300 kerbals to the system, and use UMB (life support, sanity, ect.) HARD MODE: easy mode, but 500 kerbals, and your ship must be AT LEAST 1 km in length. PAIN MODE: hard mode, but 1000 kerbals, and with chemical rockets only WHY??? MODE: pain mode, but 5000 kerbals, at least a five km long ship, and with ONE STOCK ION DRIVE ONLY
  14. oh, i don't have the mod(right now... might be fixing this tonight), it's just a thought that occurred to me
  15. i really need to install interstellar mods. i will never do the why??? mode, strictly because our computers do not have the processing power.
  16. if you need help with the wormholes, talk to @Angelo Kerman, he's the head mod of blueshift, and he's made wormholes before.
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