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Everything posted by JupiterGamerTV

  1. Help, i'm trying to put on the mobile transporter unit on the S0 Truss, but i'm having no luck, help
  2. How do I build da soyuz? it's too complex and the wiki is useless, help
  3. @benjee10Mod is fantastic! the modules look amazing! I just wish the insides were a bit more... ISSy if you know what I mean, I can't really see and the hatch animations for the freeiva don't really work, they just vanish, anyways still a very cool mod!
  4. Nevermind! I got it figured out, because I never built a proton Whats funny is I don't figure things out until I ask for help, then I manage to build it! It's very silly anyways the part i said "the parts are not doing their job" was because the attachment nodes were off, but i managed to get them together so oof lol
  5. Thanks, but I literally don't know how to put them together, the parts are not doing their job, i'm too confused
  6. I built them, I figured out the rocket is a proton k, but idk what to do =c I cannot build it cuz idk how to build it
  7. Thanks, but theres a small problem, I am not good at building instructions, it's extremely confusing, is there like a video i could use? thanks Edit: nvm I figured it out, now uh how do I build the rocket? I'm not good at russian parts
  8. Hello! I was told about the russian iss parts are here, I can't see any! do you know where they are? I mean i see pirs and rassvet, but I don't see zarya or Zvezda, do you know where i can find them? thanks
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