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Everything posted by DustyCircuit

  1. So, I've noticed a couple things are off. In systems with two binary stars at the center, the light levels are just blinding bright. Is this intentional or a bug? Is there a way to turn down gamma in the game to make it less bright? Also it seems like the glare that you see around stars isn't visible in binary star systems with two at the center, only the surface texture is visible. I just wonder if these are know bugs in the mod itself, or in the game, or in other mods I'm using. https://imgur.com/a/DgV2FDz
  2. Thanks Starcrusher96 for helping me make the mod work, disabling the maneuver tool fixed it for me . My apologies if I asked a dumb question, but I'm still fairly need to KSP interstellar mods. I've only got KSP in 2023 so I'm kinda late to the whole game still. I cannot wait to have fun in the Athera system and also the Nova Kirbani system once its ready. Your work is amazing, keep it up
  3. I'm getting this issue where if I time warp while in the Athera system the game just freezes. Happens no matter what ship I'm using and also happens on a minimal install with only the mods required to make KSS2 and the Athera system work, I've seen that at least a couple others have had this problem with heavily modded installs so I figured I try a minimal install, but the problem persists. I'd love to play this planet pack, but not being able to use time warp makes it unplayable. If anyone knows a fix/solution I'd love to know. My ckan modlist https://imgur.com/a/hvVyTqG
  4. Well then that's good to know at least its not some combo of mods I use that causing the issue. I'd like it to be fixed, but I can live with it. Otherwise this mod is freaking awesome. Its basically a dream come true for me as a KSP player who has go into modded KSP about a year ago, largely out of receiving news of the whole KSP2 situation. I make youtube vids of KSP and I can't wait to showcase the mod on my channel
  5. Hello. So I've noticed that the volumetric clouds on some planets that are lit by two diff stars on each side in binary star systems have black clouds on one side and normal clouds on the other side, and its always on the side lit by the farther away star that has the black clouds. https://imgur.com/a/926DE23
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