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Everything posted by skrkaxh

  1. Initially I had all mods installed manually. But when i got troubles with Xscience i switched CKAN.
  2. Sure thing. Didn't know which one is more useful so I included both Player and Player-prev logs. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jeyw2ov5xf3c3wgl7pgub/Player.log?rlkey=iwjfvrs3g119bntdcnh5hx0xa&st=cy62v9mo&dl=0 - Player.log https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1mkryizinsfolujjsdmrw/Player-prev.log?rlkey=8fbwb9wg09cbmjzt8kpuyyuf7&st=743pih9f&dl=0 - Player-prev.logs
  3. Hey, I've got a problem that was mentioned here before, but this solution doesn't work for me or I'm not understanding something. I also don't have toolbar icon and have all dependencies installed with CKAN. The setting in Toolbar Controller is set to both, but am I don't get the KSP Toolbar part. Is that blizzy's version or something different? https://imgur.com/a/N4zMxek - list of CKAN mods https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ccq42tqpgu4oej4bkjuhy/KSP.log?rlkey=t58qem8gb9m3bdk26ykopkayi&st=1q77o8oo&dl=0 - logs
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