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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hi, great mod , I like the new curve type a lot . The only thing that bugs me however is a nasty crash that happens on loading craft with procedural parts , and strangely only ot loading , you make the craft , launch it , then revert to VAB and bam... the log says this : " [ERR 12:45:50.370] Invalid parameter because it was infinity or nan. [ERR 12:45:50.370] Actor::updateMassFromShapes: Can't compute mass from shapes: must have at least one non-trigger shape! [ERR 12:45:50.371] createHull: convex hull computation failed! [EXC 12:45:50.709] NullReferenceException UnityEngine.Component.get_gameObject () GenericAppFrame.OnDestroy () "
  2. just add MODULE { name = KethaneConverter TargetResource = SpareParts ConversionEfficiency = 0.2 KethaneConsumption = 10 PowerConsumption = 12 HeatProduction = 800 } after the normal converters in one of the converter parts and it will convert kethane to spare parts... now if only the problems with spawning at great distances are solved as well...
  3. Yes I have currently working probe with a small battery, small ion engine and 4 deployable panels from the dynasat fix parts and they work fine.
  4. The engines do work , its the nuclear reactor that stopped working for some reason. I was using a modified ZO2 tank turned in to a smaller version of this reactor and after I switched to 0.17 my craft started running out of energy... first I thought that it was a difference between energy consumtpion and reactor output but it was not working at all... the same thing with the big reactor here.
  5. I have the same problem as Nori. More than 3 ion engines drops the fps to a few fps. Could be a conflict with another mod.
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