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  1. hey mur, i managed to fix my problem. i had recently changed the version of ksp i was running. somewhere in that the mod modulemanager in ckan was defaulting to a version of the mod which was not compatible with the version of ksp i was running. even after removed all of my mods and installed tried installing just b9partswitch (which installs modulemanager as a depedency) ckan was still using the wrong version in the background. i would double check all of your installed mods and ensure they are specifically for the version of ksp you are running. hope this helps!
  2. FIXED IT! the problem was, as you all likely guessed, located between the keyboard and chair. somewhere along the winding road of changing game versions it looks like ckan was setting modulemanger to an incorrect version of the mod for the various versions of ksp i was trying. even when i cleared all the mods and only installed b9partswitch it was still defaulting to the wrong version. so it was 100% me, i seem to have annoyed ckan into actual insanity lol. your mod as well as ckan, b9partswitch, freeiva and all the other mods were never an issue. im an idiot. i just wanted to thank you all for your help, i genuinely appreciate it and your mod is awesome!! thank you!
  3. according to ckan ksp does not support any version of b9partswitch, and as a result Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux. as i believe b9partswitch is a dependency. after asking around someone stated they had both working on 1.3.1 so i gave it a shot. i also gave multiple other versions of ksp a try and had no luck. i simply don't remember the other versions and 1.3.1 just happened to be the last version i landed on before posting. i have no affinity to that version and have since reverted back to
  4. so i was trying to install parallax, Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux and freeiva which led to errors. ive only ever used ckan for ksp. i think i remember someone saying they had all this working in 1.3.1, maybe in a steam forum? but that could be a lie. im very happy to move to the newest game version. let me know which logs you are interested in, thanks!! p.s. just as an fyi i mentioned in an earlier post that hasn't been approved yet that i don't think Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux is the culprit at this point. but i will still happily accept any help you wish to provide :D. but i don't think this is your issue at this point
  5. so i just tried installing a bunch of mods along b9partswitch and excluded your Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux. same issue, so your mod is almost certainly not involved in this. sorry for the confusion! ill still take any assistance you might wanna offer, but im "reasonably" confident your mod isn't involved here. again sorry about that and thanks again for your help!
  6. just gave that a try, no joy. still getting the same error . i downloaded version 2.1.1 for ksp 1.3.1. https://github.com/blowfishpro/B9PartSwitch/releases/tag/v2.1.1 unzipped it then copied the resulting directory to Kerbal Space Program\GameData. then opened ksp via ckan. just want to make sure im not causing myself more issues by using ckan after manually installing mods (ive never used anything but ckan for ksp). also, if there is a different game version i should try other than 1.3.1 let me know and i can give that a try as well. thanks for your help!
  7. i don't think this mod is playing nice with b9 part switch currently. im getting a b9 part switch fatal error at startup. getting this on game versions current 1.12.5 and 1.3.1 (tried others as well but didn't make note of them). im thinking it "might" be this mod because when i uninstall all mods running version 1.3.1 and install only b9 part switch i get no errors. if i add just Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux along with b9 part switch i get the error. i dropped a note about this in the b9 part switch thread as well just in case im wrong and the issue is on their side. hoping there is a fix, this is a great mod
  8. i don't think Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux is the culprit at this point. i tried installing b9partswitch along with a bunch of other mods but excluded Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux, same problem. so there is some combination of mods that is causing this, but Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux i suspect is not the root cause
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