Oh, you just opened a can of feels.... I've launched: -both my LKO space stations -4 apollo missions -10 Duna Tripper flights -A Duna resupply station -the entire Laythe Expedition (in four seperate launches) -the light cruiser Ward -Countless Jool system probes -Moho probes -Orbiter Mk IVs (Laythe orbit capable 3-man ships) -Cruiser Mk Vs (older version of Orbiter) -Duna colonies I, II, and IV -Fuel stations ....and probably lots more. But the best was the Laythe Expedition. Took four T-9s to put up. Carried 6 men to Laythe, landed two of them on it, then got them back with two Orbiters (launched by, you guessed it, T-9s). And i have never had a serious problem with Launch. It's actually gotten so boring launching i hyperedit a lot, it's that good of a launcher.