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Everything posted by zekes

  1. yeah, that was stupid leaving your cruiser alive... but can i resupply the Ba'al? It's still alive...
  2. that's what anti missile weapons are for, one ship can "kill" multiple missiles if they are from the same enemy ship.
  3. I think, we need, electric engines and propellors.
  4. back in 17.0.... Fancy stuff. I might restart the ZS-DD... but this is an awesome montage of Duna vehicles.
  5. banned for not asking questions...
  6. i... don't understand the question. ...The Kerbal I used to know back in 13.3 is still there. It's just more complex.
  7. Ok. Ba'al, now thoroughly pissed off, is loosed on Hornet. One missile was all it took. Bye bye! The only piece with power: Now, the Ba'al is out of ammo, and needs resupply (i just realized i forgot to put up a resupply station. I'll do that later. ) http://www./?natsa1za7l0zs1o
  8. very beautiful, man. If rep points worked i'd give you one.
  9. wow... i'm surprised that thing survived. Kudos to me! taking turn soon, but i've got a lot of homework. So I can attack both groups now right? cause i go first in one. EDIT nevermind i see, let's do one battle at a time.
  10. wasmic, no mechjeb. must do this stock. Captian Sierra, yes you can
  11. If you fly it to Low Duna orbit and aerobrake, then yes. If you want to land on the surface, you have to refuel the Nuke on the surface and after it attains orbit again.
  12. i dunno, it was my first ever Duna-return capable SSTO, back in 17.0, and I redid it for 0.21 and I still love it.
  13. banned for being awesome. EDIT banned for being an sneaky sniper.
  14. yeah i guess you are right, i just hoped more people would like it.
  15. Dude brobel i love your flying wings! So awesome! Can you make one for Zokesia according to these specs: HEAVY BOMBER - FLYING WING x2 Standard jet engines x4 High altitude engines 10 ton bombload 1000 km combat range high lift
  16. Anyone? this is a very impressive ship. It deserves attention.
  17. Ok the ships are in position. We have Drek Mk VIII Czernobog (Black God in Russian) protected by Ba'al (Unchaste in Hebrew). The other three ships are Rapier, Piranha, and their Drek MK VIII Typhon (a Greek monster). http://www./?22lg0dj42cpc0cd
  18. Oh, you just opened a can of feels.... I've launched: -both my LKO space stations -4 apollo missions -10 Duna Tripper flights -A Duna resupply station -the entire Laythe Expedition (in four seperate launches) -the light cruiser Ward -Countless Jool system probes -Moho probes -Orbiter Mk IVs (Laythe orbit capable 3-man ships) -Cruiser Mk Vs (older version of Orbiter) -Duna colonies I, II, and IV -Fuel stations ....and probably lots more. But the best was the Laythe Expedition. Took four T-9s to put up. Carried 6 men to Laythe, landed two of them on it, then got them back with two Orbiters (launched by, you guessed it, T-9s). And i have never had a serious problem with Launch. It's actually gotten so boring launching i hyperedit a lot, it's that good of a launcher.
  19. perfect. I'm gonna hyperedit them to Gilly (cause i'm lazy ) and ill put them in battle formation then send you the persist and you can move your ships into attack formation and make the first move.
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