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Everything posted by zekes

  1. My smallest plane, designed for Duna. works well. Next version needs a recovering parachute (the thing's hard to land on duna). Kerbin testing: Duna: Returning to refueling base: Docked for travel and refueling:
  2. Build a good jet VTOL. that will eat up lots of time It did for me, but it's worth it in the end... My little gem:
  3. yeah, but when it does have struts it never breaks... i get 98% launch success.
  4. Working on a new lightweight fighter... Plus an attempt at 100% reusable rocket to the Mun and back.
  5. Im not sure why this happens. Just take off the disconnected ones and restring them in an X-box formation (a rectangle and an x) between the outer four engines. And make sure the outer and inner engines are strutted together, it helps keep them from wobbling.
  6. ok or that's the end of the battle (as most battles don't end in one side being completely destroyed. well decide when we get there.
  7. Banned for making annoying noises.
  8. ok cool. They can be at like two different altitudes around gilly, and if one person wins both, they win. if one person wins one and the other the second, it's a draw.
  9. I like that idea. Makes it very fair. What if it was Battle 1: 1 fighter and 1 cruiser/destroyer Battle 2: 2 fighters and 1 cruiser/destroyer
  10. Banned for not being ANYWHERE...
  11. zekes


    Welcome to your new game!
  12. banned for being in a Mk1 lander can.
  13. don't give me that you little green squish. Banned for not being a good rocketeer.
  14. Josef Stalin? Ive made a few historical weapons... KV-1 TOG II M4 Sherman
  15. [spoiler alert] Sneak peek of our new Drek Mk IX:
  16. Flattop Destroyer Carrier. Your argument is invalid. (also this is 999th and 1000th screenshot of 0.21)
  17. 'aving a rad time down under with me Aussie mates...
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