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Everything posted by zekes

  1. Welcome to the forums! May you have a grand adventure! -Zekes
  2. Yup It also works well as a refueling depot.
  3. GENRES: Alt Rock Rock Metal BANDS: Muse Spock's Beard Girl on Fire Yes Ozzy Osbourne Rage Against the Machine Audioslave Sponge Favorite songs: I tend to love Indie bands that no one's heard of.
  4. Duna Orbital Spacecraft Assembly Facility (DOSAF) ready for operation..... She was designed to ease assembly of Zokesia's massive Battlecruisers.
  5. Oh my gosh RAREDEN PLEEEEEESE make a Nick Cage Texture pack!!!!
  6. I got it on GOG.... And yeah this should be moved to off topic
  7. No, it isnt. origional game is ten times better. Also Ive been learning to land a Spitfire on a Road, it's not easy.
  8. lol i love how you're using my suit looks good!
  9. After three days waiting for rendezvouses the pilots of Apollo-MkIII-2 can relax at Zokesia Space Station Freedom.
  10. The kraken has met its match. 1800 parts, eat THAT.
  11. by the way im not sure how to add mod packs. I cant seem to find the folder for them. Also i thought this was the off topic? my bad....
  12. Anyone here Play Il-2? If you do, we should discuss this awesome game. Also I am an insanely good pilot, I saves this, flew 100 miles wile being chased by a Zero, got my elevator controls shot away, and managed to crash land on friendly soil.
  13. I remember back in 13.3 youd be always trying to get orbit, for like 50 launches, the one time you do make it you aren't looking and suddenly your'e in Solar orbit!
  14. long walk back to KSC, eh?
  15. I love destructive testing. "Landing" a 300 ton Battlecruiser at 35 m/s
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