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Everything posted by zekes

  1. well... it's both actually! Cause it shows i'm a man of science but also with a sense of humor. Again walking the thin line bewteen Genius and Insane...
  2. I'm sorry, what was that about no guns?
  3. Then it's genius, cause a madman wouldn't have these kinds of results! Why do you think my Position is Nikola Tesla Cage? Cause SCIENCE!
  4. lol and best part is they fire missiles twice their size! and a hit, even if it's not deadly, can deorbit a station around Ike!
  5. After the Ike Invasion, Zokesian military and civilians alike were enraged. How could this happen? But never fear, the Navy is here! We are off to save the day! The newly formed 15th Fighter Battle Wing, which operate from Duna, were dispatched. Two Squadrons, Black Jackals and Spherington, were sent to find and destroy the enemy Space Fleet. Black Jackals included Minimag, Torga, Drado, Kunmqua, Frakenburg, Torquemata, and Shendenoka. Spherington had the Squash, Guildenstern, Fortune, Torah, Hollow, Illovich, and Gregory. Aditionally, Four from the squadron Necromancers ( Destroyer, White, Beautte, and Dieson) were sent to take out or capture orbital installations, and four (Oddesey, Williamette, Kerlite and Xerxes) were sent to high Ike orbit to intercept shipping to Ike and destroy comms satellites. Zokesia would then prepare for the counterinvasion. http://www./?ecssiqdsf947t2c
  6. ok so the three ships i had were 99 tons, ill be replacing them with some... smaller counterparts... is that okay? Ill let you go first again...
  7. Grr it makes me mad this weight difference... how am i supposed to fight ten ships with three? I barely killed five ships with two... i cant fight these odds. Im gonna come back when i have a smaller fighter. Well get ike back soon enough. Edit: im gonna replace the two surviving ships with smaller fighters, ill get back to you tomorrow. Expect defeat
  8. Ok here is the persist: http://www./?amobaaijsjvrh46 As the dust settled, the 12th had done it's job: the enemy fighters had been repelled. But another wave was coming. The Thresher was quickly repaired and Drekevak was rebuilt from pieces. A new ship, Skrillex, also joined the 12th Fighter Fleet. They got into station and waited for the Tekkan fighters to attack.
  9. no, id prefer to call that battle a draw and start again. We cant change rules in the middle. Same rules? Im going to take Three Drekevak class fighters, 33 tons each. Thats 100 ton fighter group. EDIT working on it.
  10. ok so lets decide this now before any furhter confusion.... why don't we say that ramming isn't allowed? To put it to rest permanently...
  11. It has unmanned capabilitys too... I just left the kerb with the Thresher and went unmanned for a bit...
  12. No im fine with rule change... its a good idea. just not After i take my winning turn...
  13. ok thats cool. same place? And this time ive learned. Im bringing more missiles.
  14. As a gentleman I agree - the rules were changed at the decicive moment of battle and therefore should be rematched.
  15. THat doesn't matter you still changed it AFTER my perfectly legal winning move. Therefore you can't say you won or I lost. At best it's a draw.
  16. Yeah i agree the ships are all pretty useless... Im perfectly willing to call this a draw. After my attack, he has no ships left but one of mine is immobile and the other is unarmed. Spartwo you are jumping the gun. My attack as perfectly fair and you changed the rules AFTER my post.
  17. No you didnt. It was still two-two. Now it's Two one with your deorbit. plus you chaged the ramming rule after my attack.
  18. ... even if i don't, i have two ships, you have one. Best you can do is take out one of my ships. That still means i win.
  19. well i think neither of us can say this was a clear victory... but I did defend Ike and so I should get victory... EDIT also i realize the David is in a sub orbital flight. That leaves the Thresher the only ship alive... ... why don't we call this one a draw?
  20. Finis Tekkate. The David is not only mobile but still very strong. That fighter was like pudding. Didnt even scratch it. http://www./?d1rutr4o9lvfwl3 Some bugs on the windscreen...
  21. You forget the David. Plus (im not making this up i reloaded the save twice) Your fighter is gone.... its orbit was whacked. That's one vs two, Advatage Zokesia. And I havent even attacked yet.
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