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Everything posted by zekes

  1. I think the range is like 5-10 KM, not much, but good for scouting the terrain around you. It's not a free lift vehicle, so its easy to fly/land, but the downside to that is limited range. Still, once its off the ground it glides well. It havent done a long range test yet but it can glide pretty far.
  2. If you are a good pilot all the junk will crash, if not there will be debree. depends on how you fly it. ^bumping this cause its awesome^ The DT-6 has 500 downloads! Awesome! Merged from three separate posts
  3. A refuelable airplane probe! Comes with an RCS refueling Rover. Action gorup 1 is extend antennae. Also able to tow airplane by retraching aircraft gear after connection and hitting action group "2". http://www./?a63aug783qdtkpy
  4. oh. ok. Well then voice away, just remember say constructive!
  5. here is the best place to voice concerns: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/27641-101-Impossible-stupid-requests
  6. Lets see a little math... 1170 U fuel left out of 1750 after a 700 m/s burn to get out of the atmosphere..... and duna is another 1200 m/s away.... perhaps we could make a quick slingshot mabye orbit... it would be close....
  7. The Endeavour Mk IIs. Easy to fly, SSTO, im currently unsure of where it can go... but it has amazing range (like i believe Duna orbit and back at least). It has SAS wheels for more stability, landing legs (for vertical minmus and ike landings), and RCS system. ACTION GROUPS: "2" for Jet engines "3" for Nukes. Get it HERE!
  8. New ship. The Endeavour Mk I. Easy to fly, SSTO, im currently unsure of where it can go... but it has amazing range (like i believe Duna orbit and back at least). http://www./?32tvly16jxxt18l
  9. Yeah it was origionally made in 17.0 and when i fixed it to work for 18.0 there wern't I-beams yet. Still works for 19.1.... And yes it has a whole launcher and all, total 460ish parts (lander is only like 150).
  10. 8/10 your name is very memorable....
  11. i gravity turn to save fuel, but i imagine you can go straight up.... It has soo much delta v one way fights to Laythe are possible!
  12. Duna Tripper 6, a Kerbin-Duna-Kerbin Heavy shuttle/ transport. It can take 5 tons of cargo to Duna surface and return, probably more but i haven't tested that. All cargo will go under the bottom fuel tank (I'm going to make a dedicated cargo one soon). http://www./?380cbf8w60213jh Can go to Duna Surface and back entirely self sustained.
  13. Well we hit mach 6.36! In fact the ZB-7 is designed to cruise at 2000 m/s (Mach 5.88). Stats also show range could be (MAximum, no bombload) can easily be 10,000km+ (Or anywhere on the globe). DOWNLOAD: With Bombs (Stock oscar tanks): http://www./?riihaouo95inihg No Bombs: http://www./?fhtapoi33icqki5 Pics:
  14. Yeah its built to the near exact specs and same solution (accidentally) but now that you say it the similarities are eerie....
  15. Hey... you could say kerbals look a bit like zombies... plus they don't seem to bleed....
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