Thank you for the positive suggestions. Honestly i thought you guys were better than that thread. This is a forum of geniuses, brilliant designers and gamers alike. a place where an Indie game could really come alive. But now I see a handful of people unceremoniously corrupting and destroying our very bases, that a good game relies on its fan support. Now that support has turned cowardly in anger towards the developers, who are the heart and soul of the game. Without them, there would be no KSP. This malice comes not from any people who have dedicated real time to the improvident of the game, only a few loners who wish to make as much noise as possible. Control your anger. try to solve problems on your own, and help the devs. Ask not what the devs can do for you, but what you can do for the devs. Negative words and saber rattling only help to tear the hard built (and still unfinished) bright, shining tower that KSP is. That is all i have to say.