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Everything posted by amore555

  1. OK 2 things, (cos I\'m quite terrible at this game) 1) Do I just dump a Kerbal at the launch pad before taking off to make space for Halley? 2) How in the hell do I arrange to land at the same place I dropped Halley? Hard enough for me just to get to the Mun ;P
  2. Poor old Halley, he took the loss of Jeb and friends hard. But he bounced back, he rose to the top of class in Kerbonaut Academy, and eventually was selected to be the first Kerbal on the Mun. Everything went as it should, until he lowered the landers legs, to find they didn\'t project below the engine. He survived the impact, but now looks on in vain as his home world sails below the horizon, and the Dark Side of the Mun creeps ever closer. Can he be rescued?
  3. Cheers Vincent. To be fair, I\'m on the forums a lot, just rarely post. Still, the reaction was fairly frosty. I\'ll keep off the forum as much as I can I think.
  4. Sorry fair point... and here I was \'generally discussing\' KSP...
  5. ... to find out that your landing legs aren\'t long enough to cater for the massive ass NovaPunch rocket on my lander module RIP Jeb and co.
  6. You guys are right gits, my copy of Max Payne arrives tonight, now how in the hell am I meant to split my time between the two!!
  7. I knew there was something I was missing. Good sir I could kiss you
  8. Hi guys, new recruit here Played the demo for one night and went on to buy the game, and gonna get on to Downloading some mods tonight. Anyway, I have grasped the principles, can set up an orbit, and even managed to *nearly* get myself into a munar orbit (next time, curse you Mun!) Anyway I just wanted to know if I was missing anything with regards to RCS. The final stage of my current ship, consists of the module, ASAS, small fuel tank and liquid engine, and several RCS thrusters. Anyway, when flying about in orbit, I know how to activate RCS, and I can see the little jets shooting about when I make course corrections, however I am I right in thinking it can do more than simply point you in different directions, for example propel you somewhere? Is there a key for thrusting with RCS? Any answers would be great, thanks.
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