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Everything posted by sss

  1. sss

    Creeper corp

    idk why the picture is off. well, ill pm you some models if i make them (using blender) also two phottos didnt show up, werid
  2. Excuse me, but how to the decouplar parachutes work? they will only open when falling, so ??? how do i jettison the top of the docking cover?
  3. sss

    Creeper corp

    Sure, i just need a UV texture person. anyway photos: little bit of detail on the enterprise engine As you can see, with the enterprise engine, on a quarter throttle at 4 seconds into MET its going 500 M/S Opps broke apart, but only 23 seconds MET and we are going 2.8 killometers a second. be back in an hour or so 8)
  4. sss

    Creeper corp

    As i said, its just stock parts, but ok.
  5. Why dont you post this in the General discussion? this is the spacecraft exchange, where you show off your planes, and post .craft files.
  6. Now. i love it, but my PC will explode if i try this [move]NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!![/move] thats too bad, but good work anyway.
  7. go heading 005 and use mechjeb, but beware, there is a bug with mechjeb that overshoots minimus, but that can be corrected with a little bit of retrograde.
  8. Creeper corp After jeb visited minecraft, he decided to make some parts. he didnt have any painter or modelers left, so he used stock parts to base them on. so, he just tweaked some configs. Well here they are: Gunpowder_Decoupler (no need for pic, just amagine the default decoupler) Now, dont you get this wrong. it is equiped with a LARGE explosion, not a small one. use with caution. this is a much powerfuller decoupler, using gunpowder, it seperates stuff VERY quickly. Liquid_Engine5 (based on liquid_engine1) Although this may look like somthing you may have seen before, do not think that. this is not fueled by liquid, but by gunpowder. Quick_Booster In his trip to minecraft, he noticed somthing. some times you need a little push to get things going. so, he designed the quick booster, for geeting that little push off the launch pad. 2x more powerful, but 2X less burn time. ______________________________________________________________________________ Next up, USS ENTERPRISE parts. they are really, just stock parts with a new config, but still, if you built the USS ENTERPRISE, this is some good parts for it. USS_ENTERPRISE ENGINE Pic: This engine was used on the USS enterprise. despite high thrust, it has very low fuel consumsion. a 909 engine like never before USS_ENTERPRISE_FUEL Since the engine had been developed, they now needed a fuel tank. but it did not have to hold alot of fuel, because the engines of the USS_ENTERPRISE are very effectiant. USS_ENTERPRISE_COCKPIT The enterprise needed a safe cockpit, so they build this. it can withstand a bit impact. it was made with obsidian, borrowed from creeper corp. WARNING: Not industructable, so no 100 M/S impacts. First mod, so hope ya like it. DOWNLOAD https://www.dropbox.com/s/617snryxbq8mrl1/Quick_Booster.zip Feedback and vids arre very appreciated 8) have fun going 200 Kilometers a second!
  9. sss


    excuse me? it was those evil guys in space talking not just them eating at that restaurant tony stark wanted to go to. ALSO: the nuke part was actually fake, because in order for nukes to be effective, they need to explode in the atmosphere. (learned from sci-fi science)
  10. I tried to do that. it, DID get off the ground, but umm, it dosent fly very well.
  11. Could you at least tell him the answer? sorry but idk.
  12. sss


    well, heres the avengers discussion thread. NOTE: at the end of the movie, after the credits, there is sort of a sneak peak of avengers 2. Nothing here or here this could go on and on
  13. Jeb decided that he needs to get a bigger lander on minimus. in fact, he wants a base on minimus that contains 10 or more C7 standard fuselage parts. unfortenatly, he cannot seem to get a big enough rocket to get one there. maybe you can help? ___________________________________________________________________________ Rules: #1 it can be stock or modded, just no anti-grav cheats or stuff like that. #2 pics or vid. #3 it should not explode, unless designed that way. Ok so here are the classes. best class is class 1. Class1: Totally stock W/O SAS or ASAS 1st place: Awaras Class2: Totally stock 1st place colonel0sanders Class3: Totally stock with mechjeb Class4: Modded but only using 1 mod on the rocket (not including mechjeb) Class5: all mods allowed. Lets the games begin! dont leave jeb waiting! 8)
  14. So heres what i have in mind: ill first land on minimus, then I will attach my Persistance.sfs file, and then someone makes a rocket to land where my other rocket is, as we go on and on, eventually that landing spot will pretty much become a base. If at least 2 people say yes, ill do it. if more than 2 people say no, ill scrap this idea. so what do you guys think?
  15. Silly Russians, they put their wings on backwards! Uh, uh uh... I KNOW THAT DAMN PLANE!!!! ARGH!!! wow.
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