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Everything posted by Rabblerouser

  1. Love Kerlab, but can't quite get it into orbit. :S Don't seem to have enough fuel.. then again, I think my MechJeb is borked as well. Then AGAIN, I followed the instructions to do it manually and still couldn't make it. :S I dunno. Maybe I'm just a bad flier. Just thought I'd correct BOTH of you so you two don't look like a total dork, the airplane you two are referencing is the A-10 Thunderbolt II. But yeah, Warthog is what it's mostly called. My cousin in the military just calls them Thunder ("here comes the THunder") because of the when firing. It echoes in the sky like thunder.
  2. The weirdest thing ever. Seems like my mechjeb is completely skipping the gravity turn phase.
  3. That is the weirdest thing, it works fine for Firefox. Maybe AdBlock is in the way? Was using Chrome, by the way. Sadly, this kills FPS on my machine. And when I tried to crash it to salvage some FPS, it's darn near freezing right now.
  4. This seems like a mod I could definitely get into... given I had the right tutorials to brush up on. As it stands right now, I'm only given the slightest clue as to how it works.
  5. I left it as is for the most part except for the hyperspace engine. It's pretty much cheating, yeah. Think of it like warp drive from Star Trek. Or EVEN BETTER, Mass Effect Relays from Mass Effect! Lets you "teleport" from one spot to another, given you're within 75km (distance subject to change) of an "endpoint" (any vessel or debris with a hyperdrive endpoint attached). I like messing around with mods and that sci-fi twist just tickled my fancy too much to ignore. But yeah, I figured it was still doing science. And I guess jet engines require an atmosphere for power. I think I'll try setting the plane up vertically and trying a legit orbital launch, though. And might change out the engine for rocket power if I can find out a way to do that without taking apart everything else. But if that isn't one lovely picture. You made one awesomely wicked-looking plane. Gonna try flying to the northpole with it, too! Update: No luck getting it into orbit. I can't seem to get it off the ground launching like an ordinary rocket. It likes to pitch upwards and land on the top of the plane... with explosive results. Guess I'll just see if I can get it to north pole. Update 2: Made it to the north pole! 1 - Approaching the north pole ice caps. 2 - A closer look at the design changes I made for the flight 3 - EVA'd on the surface. Kicked to the last fuel tank soon after the plane was over ice and not just water.
  6. Heh. Was hoping for some MechJeb help with this ones. For some reason, when one of the stages decouples, it likes to smash the engine used for orbital operations. Meaning no engine, but the rest of the ship seems fine oddly enough, at least until it crashes into the surface.
  7. The download link doesn't seem to work. Could you fix it, please? Looks stunning!
  8. Well, courtesy of the hyperjump mod with an endpoint attached to a camera cart, me and my friend hyperjumped to an endpoint on the mun! Though jet engines don't work in a vacuum, so kinda just orbiting there with no power at all. But still the most awesome looking spaceplane I know!
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