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Everything posted by Darrknox

  1. 3ds Max Maya Soft Image Milkshake Wings3D Blender All great 3D programs. The only I haven't seen work is Cinema 4D
  2. Great work, with the model and the textures. I'm downloading now. Any chance I could see your collision mesh? I'm curious about the legs of the lander being apart of the model, do they conflict with tanks and boosters?
  3. You should overlay/multiply some black and white weave textures on top of the parachutes to bring out a stitched look. Still though, great work!
  4. Welcome, we're all glad you enjoy the game so much. Enjoy your stay
  5. Your scale should be 0.01. Also, is everything named correctly in your .cfg that corresponds with an model and texture?
  6. Does that node collider have the same texture as your model?
  7. Both need materials, have you tried that? If that doesn't work copy any folder that fits your design from the parts list, ie a fuel tank, and overwrite your model and work from there, that makes sure that it's the fault of the model and nothing else. How are you exporting? And could I have some screenshots of your 3ds max set up so far?
  8. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=538.0 http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=998.0 http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=711.0 http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=679.0 Take a look at these threads, and see if they help you out.
  9. I know this sounds like a compliment, but to addon devs it just comes off annoying. Something to keep in mind.
  10. I've actually noticed a lot of modelers have been spamming polys on their models without any thought into how game engines run. I'd say stick with the parameters of the originally vanilla poly counts until there's a better setting system for mods. I'd say no part needs to go beyond 1.5k polys, as most of the detail comes out in the textures for games like these.
  11. Hey, I moved this to the Spacecraft Exchange for you. This is where we share ships and what not.
  12. I made a small revision to my post, giving some more advice. Blender looks complicated, but every 3D program is until you get the hang of it. There many other programs to choose from though. I suggest 3DSMax or Maya.
  13. Please check the rest of the forum, there was one person before you attempting to use Cinema 4D to export Collada Models. It didn't work. He had to switch to blender, and his exports worked. Hope the same works for you. Read more here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=679.0 Also: I always do this, so I haven't seen what happens if you don't. But according to wiki, they simply need textures. ------------------------------------------ Also, @ OP the collision node shouldn't be apart of the mesh. They should be two separate meshes, and to export just select both.
  14. I'm stopping him from doing anything, it's his first mod, and I was merely suggesting. There is little competitiveness on this site, just fun. Aside from achievements post flight of course.
  15. No, not be a rudely sarcastic, and causing shitstorms by bumping spam topics instead of just reporting them and moving on, and allowing the forum to move like normal without WOW_GOLD_FREE being the main topic makes our jobs easier. Mate.
  16. This is thread is for indexing all mods. We don't list what the mods are used or good for. Try CFG Tweaking forum.
  17. Something is being overwritten before launching, but I don't see how it could work both ways. What's your part folder set up like now? And the CFG of your new part?
  18. Anytime, just bump the thread again when you have another question!
  19. Stickied this thread so it doesn't get lost with all addons. It's an amazingly helpful little tool, keep up the good work.
  20. Agreed. Long live the Etheral caste.
  21. Look, I know it's up to him, I'm simply stating it's easier for everyone if he keeps to the original format. If he chooses to do otherwise, it's his prerogative.
  22. Did you download the package? There's a preview package within the folder. That's what I'm talking about.
  23. Knowing Unity and UDK it's 'hard wired' into KSP_DATA's asset packages.
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