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Everything posted by BeefTenderloin

  1. While I do both have bitcoin, and massively appreciate the offer, I can't help but feel that your bitcoins could be better spent
  2. How about Curculin? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curculin
  3. Long story short, I wanted to buy some miracle berries, due to their odd ability to change the flavour receptors on one's tongue. However, they're £15 for a packet of 10 tablets, PLUS postage and packaging. So, instead of just buying it, I looked it up and found that the active protein in miracle berries is called "Miraculin". A similar protein, Circulin also has the same effect. Now I want to find out how peptide bonds are formed in a laboratory, so that I can try and make some at home.
  4. Incorrect. Imagine it as a triangle of speed, energy, and mass. If you have any mass, you can't make energy = speed if you have any mass. Will draw a diagram later.
  5. Also, you aren't seeing a rendered planet, just a 2d object.
  6. Designing craft that combine aesthetics and function.
  7. The reason spacecraft lacking RCS can still turn is due to the capsule containing reaction wheels. This is presumably what you meant by gyros. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reaction_wheels
  8. What is all that stuff that has to be chipped away?
  9. "Wingspan" "Hieght" "Lenth" Arabian UAVs cannot into English
  10. This isn't even a remotely challenging sim, you don't need to worry about tidal forces and the like in KSP, all you need is to understand a few simple concepts. 1) Being in a lower orbit catches you up to your target. 2) Being in a higher orbit allows the target to catch you. 3) Time warp is your friend. 4) USE YOUR NAVBALL.
  11. I like mods such as NovaPunch, and KW rocketry, but I can just never keep on top of all the new parts in the editor D: So mostly I play vanilla, until I install a mod, shortly after which I end up uninstalling it It'd be nice if we could drag and arrange the parts menu in the editor, to reduce the clutter a bit.
  12. IIRC, the users are mainly between the ages of 12 and 30.
  13. In case you have fuel in a refueling station that you require not to be used in an engine, or fuel used as a ballast.
  14. I'm now currently streaming some KSP over at www.twitch.tv/beeftenderloin! Currently, we're attempting to develop a rover that can glide down to the surface of a planet before deploying! Come along and say hi! I watch the chat too, so if you have any suggestions, feel free to say!
  15. Developing an atmospheric unmanned glider to deploy my ScienceTank rover on worlds such as Eve
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