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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. I had the same issue. Then I tried Tekaoh's method and it worked. It seems that in my case running KSP with the popular 'no-launcher-command' causes the issue. If I run KSP with the launcher, the mod works fine. If I run KSP with CKAN, it works fine. Better yet: If I run KSP with Tekaoh's method: making a shortcut and letting steam use that instead (to bypass the launcher), it works fine. Here is Tekaoh's solution (I made the section bold that works and avoids the launcher):
  2. I've just tested this mod because I was curious as well if it worked in the latest patch. (Which you could have done too by the way if you weren't lazy ) Short story: It doesn't work. Long Story: 1. It seems the jetpacks/-wings don't decouple. And I've tried to attach them to a decoupler, which they don't, as well as tried the built in decoupler. 2. KSP crashes as soon as you want to leave the jetpack/-wing. On the positive side: Using them in the editor works and loading them ingame works. And the jetpacks do provide thrust and use fuel. I would love for the developer to pick up the mod again and work on it to make it compatible to the latest version of KSP. Though I know it takes a lot of time and commitment for it. Which makes it more understandable if he won't pick up work on this mod again. But trust me: you would make a lot of people happy with this mod, me included! (And Scott Manley too!)
  3. I've installed this mod after a long pause of playing KSP. Along with another visual mod; BetterAtmospheres. But I seem to have gotten some kind of graphical glitch. Now I don't know if it is because of this mod, BetterAtmospheres or perhaps my settings. It starts to glitch out when I get up to altitude (couple of km's) and disappears again when I go above 150km of Kerbin. (Hence I was thinking it might be either atmosphere related or most likely terrain related) If someone recognizes this glitch and knows how to fix it please respond. Screenshots below; ~4-150km: http://imgur.com/EW8t7u0 >150km: http://imgur.com/XuWP9Ra Thanks in advance and my apologies if I posted this in the wrong section, didn't know where else. EDIT: I've found the problem, it had to do with another mod called "Real Solarsytem" that came with BetterAtmoshperes. I've updated the .dll file of Real Solarsytem as ModuleManager suggested, but that glitched it out. Works fine with the old .dll file that came with BetterAtmospheres
  4. I have gone to the exact coordinates for the 'Curiosity Mast' easteregg. Sadly in my game it is fully buried under the sand. I am probably just one of the few unfortunate people who have this.
  5. The .craft files included don\'t work anymore with 0.16. I guess you are already aware of that, but I have no idea how to put the whole lander together. Please don\'t forget to update that one too! p.s. Great work, great mod!
  6. They seem to be bugged for me too. Hmm. Or do the standard headlights not work and do you have to put the lights on yourself? <edit> Hmm it seems to suddenly work now. </edit>
  7. The lander looks great. I will definetly try it on the rockets I made, as well as your rocket. And because of you I found out about the mod CrewTank, thanks for that! Regards, Ralph aka Crunch0r
  8. Hi everyone, My (nick)name is Crunch0r and I\'ve been playing this game for several weeks now. A friend told me about it and when I saw some video\'s of this game I instantly bought it. Didn\'t even try a demo version. I love the game for the feel of accomplishment and discovery it gives you! Plus the fact the game already graphically looks stunning, in this phase. And the physics behind it are just great! Man, was I excited when I first succesfully landed on the Mun. (After several failed attempts: - My fuel ran out twice, either sending me in Munar orbit or catapulting me into Solar orbit. - Went too fast and crashed out of panick twice.) I have to admit: I did watch a few video\'s and \'stole\' a few designs since they were doing pretty well. But hey: better to have a good stolen idea than a bad selfmade idea. I heard there were easter-eggs to be found on Kerban aswell as on the Mun. Now this made me even more exciting for discovery. After hearing this, I also had an idea which might be cool to be implemented in the game. Though I don\'t know on which subforum to post it. Could someone let me know where to post \'game feature\'-idea\'s? Regards, Crunch0r the Dutch rocket-scientist!
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