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Everything posted by lolmama

  1. You should pitch up a bit to kill you speed and gradually make your way down A good landing speed is under 60mps Also when you come in for your landing pitch you nose up a bit so your back wheels hit the ground first (about 0-5 degrees
  2. Speaking of icon I wish each flight had its own colour/emblem so we don't get confused
  3. It will effect the lift and what i usually do if my plane hasn't got enough lift i get the wings or canards and hold SHIFT and then W,A,S,D,Q,E to change it position slightly
  4. I am also excited for 0.17 but what interests me the most is that they say there will be a building with a telescope to see in to space and spot planets to go and explore this means there could be dozens of alien worlds to explore that your would have to first find and collect data about.
  5. It is coming along but its very hard to get a pinpoint landing so i need to put my parts on a cart to get it to the outpost usually I\'m about 3-5 km off and I suck and multiple landings Any here it is
  6. The challenge is to get to one of Kerbans poles in the quickest time There will be 2 competitions Quickest to the north pole and quickest to the south I went to the north pole and my time was 00:47:21 (not too bad) Rules Only allowed to use stock parts Not allowed out of the atmosphere You can only use the jet engines (normal jet and turbo jet) Not allowed to use green fuel tanks only the silver jet ones. No mods (you can use mechjeb like i did, but i never actually used it because it doesn\'t even help) No solid rockets Take a screen shot when you land to show your time You have to be near the pole, not at the shore of the Arctic circle You are allowed staging for instance you can drop of engines or extra fuel tanks. If i missed anything out or you have any questions don\'t be afraid to ask. North pole record so far: SpaceMonkey9288 00:28:32 (saw your Youtube vid) South pole record so far : SpaceMonkey9288 00:28:23 CHALLENGE ENDING ON SUNDAY 12 AUGUST 2012 Winners North pole: SpaceMonkey9288 South pole: SpaceMonkey9288
  7. This is a plane i made i called it the SCISSOR because of its rear shape any way it handles like a beauty and is very easy to take off and land also its very light weight and can easily take sharp turns basically its a plane to mess around in and have fun This plane was made in KSP 0.16 so you will need the 0.16 version mods MODS USED: Damned aerospace simpleprop 0.5 engine (version 1.5.2) Damned robotics 2m strut (version 1.2) KW challenger heavy duty strut connector (version 0.16 compatible) c7 small nacelle ( download the c7 pack and look for this part C7AH_EngineBody_F2) Hope you enjoy it as much as i did... Spoiler I am almost done an a new plane it is a aircraft with tons of bombs and missiles and also includes rotating missile pods that each have 4 missiles and can be rotated on a stand and moved up and down to aim, i also fitted a camera on each on so you can aim in first person. I\'m trying to make it a VTOL craft but it is still in the works. the plane can do about 3 bombing runs and shoot about 10 missiles at the moment. Still working on it
  8. WTF thats long well at least i now know thanks anyway
  9. I have been trying to make VTOL planes for a long time now but every time they tips over and explode I\'m good at making complicated planes but i can\'t manage to make a vtol version Look at this video: (i know its awesome) You see the big VTOL plane at around 0:20 i tried making it and it looked very similar but it completely flopped in VTOL take-off\'s can some one give me some tips on were to place the engines and weight and balance solving i would be very great full. Put in a quick reply or PM me if you have any tips and tricks or link to to another thread that you know of that might help
  10. I think that there should be a paint shop in ksp so you can make you rocket all 1 colour or add emblems and designs this could make for a more unique rocket/plane (and be awsame) (Apparently it is already planned but is low priority) I think that when you go into the paint shop you should be able to select parts and colour them in or use custom skin or texture mods. Instead of adding it into decals you could make it in its own building and import crafts in. (these are just ideas, i don\'t know much about how it will be achieved, but I know that the brilliant minds at SQUAD will be able to make something even better) WANT WAIT FOR 0.16 What do you think? is it a good idea? Please discuss...
  11. This Plane fits in to a payload fairing on a rocket and can go to Minmus the mun or just orbit. There is plenty of fuel It is a very basic plane but is small and compact and has a lot of fuel. But you do need quite a few mods Here are the mods: (if it still doesn\'t load or i missed some mods please tell me) Nova punch (latest update) KW challenger, Rocketry and PLF (i love the strut connectors from thsi pack) Silisko industries (edition 2 alpha) Flood lights from omega aerospace Damned aerospace and Damned robotics Mech jeb TiberDyne Advanced SAS modules The solid rocket boosters are the Silisco edition Jamcracker solid boosters from Jebidiah kerman\'s junkyard and spaceship part Co Landing gear is the C7 beta gear you also need all c7 plugin Your will also need mkn advanced sas from the RocktCo Industries & The Munar Institute of Technology Soyuz ship and munar kerbabl lander pack Thanks to Redrumssam who reminded me I will probably update this list with more mods that i forgot to add PLEASE INFORM ME OF MODS I DID\'NT ADD If you like the craft please tell me...
  12. Once you have exhausted the capabilities of the stock parts you will start downloading mods But the big parts can be hard to use if you don\'t know how to Here are some tips to help you: 1. Use mech jeb, mech jeb is a tool that allows you to get precise and accurate guidance on you craft and allows for very advanced orbital construction. 2. Use SAS modules, in addition to your advanced SAS at the top of you craft, add normal SAS modules to your intermediate stages and SRB to balance out the control. This will make your craft stop wobbling by evening out the SAS force and making it less top control heavy. 3. Use RCS. RCS can come in handy when in space and have no thrust, but it is as useful on the ground. If you use RCS when your SAS or Mech jeb is turned on you will have better control and stability. 4. Don\'t make your rocket too tall. Don\'t be afraid to use some SRB\'s or bigger engines. If your rocket becomes too tall it will start to wobble and bend where there are joints or new stages. 5. Some rockets tend to shake a bit where there are decouplers. I suggest getting some heavy duty struts from the KW challenger pack or Nova punch and strutting your rocket at weak spots. Random tip: Use payload fairing to cover your load. It makes it look better
  13. Can you upload a zip file of the mod pack
  14. This is a bomber i make that is meant to resemble a ww2 bomber it was 4 main engines but had 2 jet engines for a vertical take off (you don\'t need to turn them on) It had VTOL capabilities It uses the damned robotics and damned aerospace mods and struts from the KW challenger pack btw it had no bombs attached you need to make them yourself you could add a drone Most of the mods can be found here: http://www.playeti.com/ I have made a new version of it its the same but with guns and missiles it uses the rail gun and missiles mod
  15. Are you tired of crashing before take off? Or can\'t get enough lift? then you should try my plane it has lots of fuel tanks and power it can cruise at high altitude for long periods of time and is very stable (even with the SAS off) It uses all stock parts But the struts might be from kw challenger/rocketry or Nova punch but i don\'t think they are KW Challenger/Rocketry: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=2680.0 Nova Punch: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=4180.0
  16. This is a space lab..... 0.15 (obviously) hop you like it you will need these mods: Nova punch kw challenger down under space lab mods You can find most of them here: http://playeti.com/
  17. This is a rocket that can lift heavy load to the moon and into orbit (over 70 kerbal mass units) inside is a nuclear reactor it cant land on the moon because i haven\'t added landing legs to the cargo (but you can if you want) this rocket it only a prototype that is to test the rockets lifting capability. it uses the KW challenge mod pack nova punch and a few others i can\'t remember (just look at the pics you will probably be able to guess) UPDATED VERSION COMING SOON 0.15
  18. By land speed record i meant to say surface speed you have to be in a jet and flying under 10,000m
  19. HHHHHH! What? well i guess you are right But i can\'t give you the record still because you didn\'t do it right your time on the mission clock was 00:00:00 which means you haven\'t even started Sorry...... But it was still very funny I\'ll give you props for that
  20. i can get there and back in probably in about 15-18 mins
  21. i know that this is not a new challenge but i really want to see if anyone can beat me The challenge is land speed you have to make a jet and try to beat my record you can only use parts from the c7 part pack and you are not allowed to go over 10,000m My record is about 700 metres per second Here is a picture of it Post your record in a reply you have to take a screen shot of the plane and the speed like mine
  22. Thanks for backing me up and thanks for the advise
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