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Everything posted by leopardenthusiast

  1. I tend to use the keys to flip things around to attach properly, and to make vertically symmetrical things in the SPH (count the steps). However, for anything that needs to be rotated on more than one axis, or anything that I don't want rotated by a specific number of steps, I use the rotation tool.
  2. Pretty good layout. I'll have to plug in one of my PS3 controllers and try it. I think I'd be putting max engines on R1, cut engines on L1, and brakes on Circle though. I use the engine controls a lot more than brakes, and having them all in one place is important to me.
  3. I already ran Linux by that point... so I just switched to running x64. I haven't hit my computer's actual limits so far.
  4. This SSTO performed... somewhat above expectations. I'm interested to see what you'll do to it.
  5. I attempted to fly my nuclear tug and lander to Dres. Turns out it didn't have enough dV for my inefficient maneuvering to actually get there. Jeb is now on an eccentric, inclined orbit around the sun. The tug is on a completely different orbit, as I ditched it to use the lander's engine. Turned out the lander's fuel tank had been drained by the nuclear engines. Whoops.
  6. The craft still cannot be loaded in completely stock 0.90. That cockpit, the fuselage, and the wings are no longer in the game. edit: Actually, the wings are present in some form, but they still look very different.
  7. What version of the game did you make the craft in? The most recent version no longer has those plane parts.
  8. Yeah, running out of jet fuel is the issue. An electric propeller would be a good idea. I could swap out the jet fuel for a small LF/O tank (those little generators are incredibly efficient, as long as you comment out the noises so that they're tolerable) and travel for an incredibly long time. Longer, if I switched away from fuel-based generators.
  9. http://i2.minus.com/igLCha28KLCJy.png http://i4.minus.com/iHpn4BwxlbLqO.png A hovercraft built specifically for FAR! Hits about 150m/s over the ocean. The lowest part sits a few centimetres away from the water. I tried to fly it to the south pole, but unfortunately I ran out of fuel about halfway.
  10. Ehh, you'll still flip your rockets turning if you don't adjust. You have to turn very gently. Also, the hovercraft hits 250m/s over water and 2 dead kerbals per flight over anything else, if anyone's wondering.
  11. Having recently started using NEAR, I decided to test the speed of my hovercraft without the souposphere. Results: Pretty fast.
  12. You can make your own categories... if you have 10 hours to spare... because you have to add every part to the appropriate category, one by one, in the same way that you add a subassembly.
  13. Mine's about 50 as well, though I haven't quite maxed out the strength. I'm currently using the little LF/O generator included with the repulsors - it doesn't noticeably drain my fuel.
  14. The fastest I've seen it hit was about 135m/s. It's also very good at handling drops - I suspect that I could drop it from orbit and, as long as the repulsors were oriented correctly, land just fine with no parachutes. EDIT: I just tested it by getting to about 100m/s downwards. The result: No, I could not.
  15. I decided I needed faster land transportation than wheels could provide. I briefly used a propeller from Kerbal Aircraft Expansion, but it kept tailstriking, and the jet was faster anyway. EDIT: Turns out I posted an old screenshot. WHOOPS.
  16. I did make a biplane with a couple of the .50 caliber machine guns (like 8 of them, and it was smaller than the cannonplane), which had so much lift it was EXTREMELY difficult to land without firing the machine guns. That was a fun plane.
  17. I've considered building a plane propelled entirely by guns. They'd have a pretty good specific impulse. Problem is, they can't sustain fire long enough to really be useful.
  18. The GAU-8 Avengers would technically provide dakka, but they just don't feel as good to fire as the cannons.
  19. If I remember correctly, some larger bodies that can totally cover the sun (Jool eclipsing the sun from Laythe I've seen for sure, though it's possible that the Mun eclipsing the sun from Kerbin does the same) actually do affect solar panels - just not lighting.
  20. You can only get the most recent and second most recent versions on Steam, so you definitely can't get a copy of 0.17.x from any official source anymore.
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